Over 3,700 men from Maine fought at the Battle of Gettysburg, organized into ten infantry regiments, one cavalry regiment, three artillery batteries, and a company of sharpshooters. Each unit on the field is honored by one or more monuments. Over 1,000 of these men (28%) became casualties in the battle, the sixth highest total of the eighteen Union States that fought there. (see the States at Gettysburg)

The State of Maine contributed 65,000 men to the Union Army during the Civil War. These were organized into 33 infantry, 2 cavalry and 1 heavy artillery regiments, 7 light artiillery batteries and a company of sharpshooters.

One of the Army of the Potomac’s eight corps commanders, Major General Oliver O. Howard, was from Maine.

Select any of the units below to see its Gettysburg monument page.

Monument to the 3rd Maine at Gettysburg Monument to the 4th Maine at Gettysburg 4th Maine Infantry
Monument to the 5th Maine at Gettysburg Monument to the 6th Maine at Gettysburg 6th Maine Infantry
Monument to the 7th Maine at Gettysburg Monument to the 10th Maine at Gettysburg 10th Maine Infantry
Monument to the 16th Maine at Gettysburg Monument to the 17th Maine at Gettysburg 17th Maine Infantry
Monument to the 19th Maine at Gettysburg Monument to the 20th Maine at Gettysburg 20th Maine Infantry
Monument to the Maine Sharpshooters at Gettysburg Monument to the 1st Maine Cavalry at Gettysburg 1st Maine Cavalry
Monument to the 2nd Maine Battery at Gettysburg Monument to the 5th Maine Battery at Gettysburg 5th Maine Battery
Monument to the 6th Maine Battery at Gettysburg

Seal of the State of Maine