Gettysburg Farms & Buildings

View of the Codori Farm buildings from the north

View of the Codori Farm buildings from the north

The Codori Farm is just south of Gettysburg on the east side of Emmitsburg Road. (Tour map: Emmitsburg Rd. – Codori Farm) It was the scene of heavy fighting on July 2nd and was at the center of Pickett’s Charge on July 3rd. General Pickett remained near the farm buildings during the attack. The current farmhouse was there at the time of the battle, although a two story brick addition was added to its rear in 1877. The current barn is a replacement for the original that was torn down in 1882.

The farm was owned by Nicholas Codori, who came to America from Alsace, France, in 1828 at the age of 19. He bought the 273 acre farm in 1854, replacing the original log house with today’s two story frame building. A butcher, Nicholas lived in town at 44 York Street (now the The Brafferton Inn Bed and Breakfast ) and rented the farm to tenants. One of the original parishioners of St. Francis Xavier Church, Nicholas offered his home on York Street for Mass while the church served as a hospital from the time of the battle until January of 1864.

Nicholas died in July of 1878 after a horrific accident with a mowing machine, losing his foot and suffering several other serious cuts. An article from the Gettysburg Times tells how as he was being driven into town to the doctor he remained seated, “saluting with his usual pleasant greeting acquaintances met on the way.”

It is not clear who occupied the farm at the time of the battle. One story is that was Nicholas’ niece, Catharine Codori Staub, and her husband John Staub, who took refuge in the basement during the fighting. According to Jane Riley, who was a toddler at the time of the battle, it was her parents, John and Talitha Reiley.

It was estimated that over 500 Confederate soldiers were buried on the farm after the battle. The farm today is owned by the National Park Service and the farmhouse is a residence for park personnel.

The Codori barn and outbuilding from the south

The Codori barn and outbuilding from the south