The Dutchess County Regiment

The monument to the 150th New York is south of Gettysburg on Culp’s Hill. (39.819114° N, 77.21958° W; Tour map: North Culp’s Hill) A marker is also in front of the Trostle House on United States Avenue showng the regiment’s location on July 2nd. (39.80165° N, 77.242473° W; Google maps to both monuments).

Monument to the 150th New York Infantry at Gettysburg

The 150th New York was commanded at the Battle of Gettysburg by Colonel John H. Ketcham. It brought 609 men to the field, losing 7 killed, 23 wounded, and 15 missing.

12th Corps Headquarters flag 12th Corps, 1st Division Headquarters flag

From the front of the monument:

150th New York Infantry
2nd Brigade (Lockwood’s), 1st Division, 12th Corps.
July 2nd & 3rd. 1863.
This regiment defended these works on July 3rd from 6.30 to 9 a.m. and from 10 a.m. to 12 m. and captured 200 prisoners
The Dutchess County Regt.


From the right side:

Mustered in Oct. 11th, 1862.

Colonel. John H. Ketcham
Lt. Col. Charles G. Bartlett
Major Alfred B. Smith
Surgeon Cornelius N. Campbell
1st. Ass’t Stephen G. Cook
2nd. Ass’t Henry Pearce
Adjt. William Thompson
Q.M. George R. Gaylord
Chap. Thomas E. Vassar

Company A.
Capt. Joseph H. Cogswell
1st. Lt. Henry Gridley
2nd Lt. James P. Mabbett
143 men.

Company B.
Capt. Robert H. McConnell
1st Lt. Albert Johnson
2nd Lt. Robert C.Tripp
126 men.

Company C.
Capt. Henry A. Gildersleeve
1st Lt. Edgar P. Welling
2nd Lt. Rowland H. Marshall
113 men.

Company D.
Capt. Wm. R. Woodin
1st Lt. Robert G. Mooney
2nd Lt. Frank Mallory
122 men.

Company E.
Capt. Andris Brant
1st Lt. Obed Wheeler
2nd Lt. Perry W. Chapman
127 men.

Company F.
Capt. John L. Green
1st Lt. Stephen V. R. Cruger
2nd Lt. Poulaski Bowman
122 men.

Company G.
Capt. Edward A. Wickes
1st Lt. DeWitt C. Underwood
2nd Lt. John Sweet
124 men.

Company H.
Capt. Platt M. Thorne
1st Lt. Wm. S. Van Keuren
2nd Lt. Charles J. Gaylord
137 men.

Company I.
Capt. Benjamin S. Broas
1st Lt. Richard Titus
2nd Lt. David B. Sleight
122 men.

Company K.
Capt. John S. Schofield
1st Lt. Michael J. Corcoran
2nd Lt. Wade H. Steenburgh
120 men.

NY150-TabL_3013 From the left side:

Mustered out June 8, 1865
Colonel. Alfred B. Smith
Lt. Col. Joseph H. Gogswell.  Maj. Henry A. Gildersleeve
Serg C.N. Campbell   Q.M. Henry C. Smith
Chap. Edward O. Bartlett

Company A.
Capt. Stephen V. McRuger
1st. Lt. William Wattles
2nd Lt. H. Bartlett
77 men.

Company B.
Capt. Robert C. Tripp
1st Lt. AndrewJ. Ostrom
2nd Lt. John McGill
76 men.

Company C.
Capt. Wm. S. Van Keuren
1st Lt. Henry J.Hicks
2nd Lt. I. Curtis Smith
70 men.

Company D.
Capt. Wm. R. Woodin
1st Lt. Frank Mallory
2nd Lt. James G. Furey
76 men.

Company E.
Capt. Obed Wheeler
1st Lt. Perry W. Chapman
2nd Lt. Charles P. Barlow
80 men.

Company F.
Capt. John L. Green
1st Lt. Samuel H. Paulding
2nd Landon Ostrom
77 men.

Company G.
Capt. Edward A. Wickes
1st Lt. DeWitt C. Underwood
2nd Lt. Benjamin T. Murfitt
77 men.

Company H.
Capt. Platt M. Thorne
1st Lt. John Fitzpatrick
2nd Lt. John D. Brown
81 men.

Company I.
Capt. Richard Titus
1st Lt. Seneca Humiston
2nd Lt. Charles H. Smith
80 men.

Company K.
Capt. John S. Schofield
1st Lt. Cyrus S. Roberts
82 men.

This Regiment was recruited to 1,277 men.
Killed in battle
Officers 2, enlisted men 44
Died from wounds and sickness in service:
3 officers and 59 men.
Total lost in service 106
Transferred to 60th New York, June 8, 1865, 176 men.
Mustered out 524 men and 36 officers.

NY150-TabL_3014 From the back:


Corp. John Van. Alstryne Co.A
Priv. Charles Howcate ”
Priv. Levi Rust ”
Priv. John P. Wing”
Priv. Jedeiah Murphy ” E
Priv. Barnard C. Barnett ” G
Priv. William H. Barness ” I.

Corp. George T. Wilson Co. A
Priv. James L. Place  ”
”  Ja’s M. Chambers ” B
”   Valentine Jones ”
”   Owen O’Niel ”
”   Nelson P. Shafer ”
”   Cha’s Weaver ”
Sergt. Alfred Seeley ” C
Priv. Talmadge Wood ”
Corp. Richmond Germond ” D
Priv. Samuel Clements Co. E
”   Albert Waterman ”
”  Stephen H. Rhynders ” F
”   Michael McGeen ” H
”   Edward Hart ” I
”   Alexander Rogers ”
Corp. Geo. W. Buckmaster ” K
Priv. L.T. Dutcher ”
”   Patrick Kane ”
”   James Lynch ”
”  F. Puttenburgh ”
”  Thomas Way ”
”   A. Woodin “


New Hope Church.
Culp’s Farm
Peach Tree Creek
Siege of

Campaigns of
Georgia and
the Carolinas.

8th Corps; 12th Corps; 20th Corps

Rear view of postion marker in front of the Trostle House. The State of Pennsylvania Monument can be seen just to the right of the top of the marker.

View of postion marker in front of the Trostle House.

From the tablet on the Trostle House marker:

150th New York Infantry of
Lockwood’s Brigade, 1st Division, 12th Corps
Charged to this point on July 2nd 1863,
about 8 p.m. and drew off three abandoned guns
of Bigelow’s Battery.


From the rear:

Monument on Culp’s Hill

See more on the 150th New York Volunteers in the Civil War