National news

Manus Island police say the death of an Iranian refugee does not appear to be suspicious, but friends and fellow asylum seekers are not convinced.

Australia should double its pace of artificial intelligence and robotics automation to reap a $2.2 trillion opportunity by 2030, according to a new report.

In a bid to sidestep the controversies that have engulfed Brodie Grundy and Patrick Dangerfield, the next generation of AFL footballers are being trained in new tackling techniques.

Australian Capital Territory

New South Wales

Giving in to "hysteria" on aviation security is "precisely the outcome that the terrorists seek", one of Australia's main regional airlines says.

Northern Territory

On federal election day last year Darwin pensioner Frank Bost turned his nose up at voting lines and decided not to have his say, but he regrets that decision.

The parents of two young children are spending time behind bars for their role in the supply and possession of 89 grams of cocaine, valued at $35,000.


Giving in to "hysteria" on aviation security is "precisely the outcome that the terrorists seek", one of Australia's main regional airlines says.

South Australia

Giving in to "hysteria" on aviation security is "precisely the outcome that the terrorists seek", one of Australia's main regional airlines says.


Human Services Minister Jacquie Petrusma is forced to defend her handling of child protection matters during Parliament's first day back after the winter break.

Giving in to "hysteria" on aviation security is "precisely the outcome that the terrorists seek", one of Australia's main regional airlines says.


The Victorian Government is refusing to support an Opposition bill to increase penalties for people who deliberately ram into police cars, saying it is poorly thought through and does not define what ramraiding is.

Giving in to "hysteria" on aviation security is "precisely the outcome that the terrorists seek", one of Australia's main regional airlines says.

Western Australia

WA's outgoing Police Commissioner warns widespread cuts to policing jobs will be one of the only ways to meet deep cuts expected in next month's state budget

Hundreds of angry police officers vow to continue industrial action for as long as it takes to secure a better pay deal.