Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs

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Date: 07/14/2014 Description:  Acting Assistant Secretary Susan A. Thornton - State Dept ImageThe Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, headed by Acting Assistant Secretary Susan Thornton, deals with U.S. foreign policy and U.S. relations with the countries in the Asia-Pacific region.

U.S.-ASEAN Meeting

Date: 08/07/2017 Description: Secretary Tillerson Speaks to the Press in the Philippines - State Dept ImageSecretary Tillerson (Aug. 7): "We had also some very constructive conversations with our ASEAN colleagues in the U.S.-ASEAN meeting...just continuing the strong commitment from both an economic and security standpoint but also continuing the cultural and people-to-people exchanges that exist today through a number of educational programs and other efforts that we think are important for drawing our peoples closer together." Full Text» Trip Page»

U.S.-China Diplomatic and Security Dialogue

Date: 06/21/2017 Description: Secretaries Tillerson and Mattis Address Reporters After the U.S.-China Diplomatic and Security Dialogue in Washington - State Dept ImageSecretary Tillerson (June 21): "U.S. and China have undergone – relations have undergone a profound transformation over the past 40 years. These dialogues provide an opportunity to consider how we’re going to engage and how we’re going to live with one another over the next 40 years." Full Text» More»

U.S.-New Zealand Relationship

Date: 06/06/2017 Description: Secretary Tillerson And Prime Minister English Hold A Press Conference - State Dept ImageSecretary Tillerson (June 6): "This relationship between our two nations...we are walking up to a 75-year anniversary of the landing of troops in World War II. And this was a deployment, important deployment point for many of our troops who were fighting alongside one another to achieve the victory of World War II." Full Text» Trip Page»

U.S.- Australia Ministerial Consultations

Date: 06/05/2017 Description: Secretary Tillerson Chats With Foreign Minister Julie Bishop, Senator Payne and Secretary Mattis During a Garden Walk at the NSW Government House - State Dept ImageSecretary Tillerson (June 5): "This relationship between the U.S. and Australia, which now approaches a century, and really formalized in the Treaty of 1951, but it’s really built...around the most fundamental values...freedom, democracy, a rules-based order for the world." Full Text» Trip Page»

North Korea

Date: 04/28/2017 Description: Secretary Tillerson Chairs a UN Security Council Meeting on Denuclearization of the DPRK - State Dept Image

Secretary Tillerson (Apr. 28): "We must work together to adopt a new approach and impose increased diplomatic and economic pressures on the North Korean regime." Full Text» More» Trip Page»