Gettysburg Farms & Buildings

Site of the Rogers house at Gettysburg

The farm of Peter and Susan Rogers was just south of town on the west side of Emmitsburg Road. (39.808294° N, 77.244063° W; map; Tour map: Emmitsburg Road at the Codori Farm) The one story log farmhouse was torn down in the 1880’s and replaced by a two story frame building, which has since been removed.

Peter, born in 1802, is said to have stayed in his house during the battle while his wife, Susan, born in 1797, took refuge east of the Round Tops. Susan’s granddaughter, Josephine Miller, stayed behind with Peter during the fighting, baking bread for the men and caring for the many wounded in the cellar. Like other farms on Emmitsburg Road, the house was struck by several shells, and dead soldiers covered the ground.

After the war Susan married William Slyder and moved to Ohio. When the 1st Massachusetts Infantry Regiment dedicated its monument on the Rogers farm, they paid for her to return to Gettysburg for the dedication. She was presented with a gold badge as a “tribute of their gratitude for her kindly services.”