State of Pennsylvania Monument at Gettysburg The View From the Top of the State of Pennsylvania Monument
The State of Pennsylvania Monument is the largest monument on the Gettysburg battlefield. The roof of the monument provides an outstanding view of Cemetery Ridge, one of the most hotly contested parts of the field on July 2 and 3. Here are 10 photos looking out in every direction on a completely deserted spring morning.
Little Round Top from Houck's Ridge Little Round Top
Take a digital tour of the summit of Little Round Top, one of the keys to the Union position in the Battle of Gettysburg and one of the most visited places on the Gettysburg battlefield today. (27 photos)
Bronze bas-relief from the 9th New York Cavalry monument at Gettysburg The Bronze Tablets of Gettysburg
A number of monuments at Gettysburg have detailed bronze bas-reliefs, many showing action scenes from the battle. A lot of visitors who only see the monuments from their cars never get close enough to appreciate these gems. (15 photos)
Grave of George Purdy with his photo Remembrance Day 2010
The anniversary of the dedication of the National Cemetery and President Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address has been observed every year since 1863. Here are a few photos from this year. Do you have some you’d like to share? (12 photos)