Downloadable resources



Poster developed by ASWN members in India to help raise awareness of cetacean diversity and conservation (courtesy Dipani Sutaria)

This page contains some of the key reports and documents related to the Arabian Sea Whale network.  Click on the links below to access more reports and published papers specific to different research themes or target countries. The item labeled “research tools and methodology” contains links to data collection protocols and key references for line-transect methodology, photo-identification etc.

If you don’t find what you are looking for, please feel free to use the “contact us” link to send us an email and request information.

IUCN redlist assessment Arabian Sea humpback whales

Arabian Sea Humpback Whale Workshop Report _FINAL5

IMG_5538  Education and outreach materials

Humpback whale leaping. Photo by Chloe Corne (Global Vision International Shimoni).jpg  Regional – Arabian Sea Humpback Whales

_a1c0338 Blue, Bryde’s and Omura’s whales

Half moon tag tracks  Oman

Print  India

pakistan-stranded-humpback-whale   Pakistan

img_9877 Iran

Whale Watching, Mirissa, Sri Lanka April 2012  Sri Lanka and the Maldives

tanzania-wcs-survey-team   Kenya and Tanzania

Arabian Sea Oceanography and biomass

sousa-pair-with-calf-small  Small Cetaceans

20151123_dmacdonald_mala20151123eos5d_044  Research methodology and protocols