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Cal Ripken Jr Quotes
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Cal Ripken, Jr. Quotes

Baseball Almanac is pleased to present an unprecedented collection of baseball related quotations spoken by Cal Ripken, Jr. and about Cal Ripken, Jr.

"We consider ourselves the luckiest fans on the face of the earth." - Sign seen at Oriole Park at Camden Yards
Cal Ripken, Jr. Quotes

Quotes From & About Cal Ripken, Jr.

Quotes From Cal Ripken, Jr.

"As long as I can compete, I won't quit. Reaching three-thousand is not the finish line as long as I can contribute."

"Early in my career, I decided I never wanted to get out of shape."

"He (Eddie Murray) showed me how to play this game, day in and day out. I thank him for his example and for his friendship."

"I'd like to be remembered. I'd like to think that someday two guys will be talking in a bar and one of them will say something like, 'Yeah, he's a good shortstop, but he's not as good as ole Ripken was.' "

"I haven't given it (achieving 3,000 hits) much thought. I was taught a certain approach, how to come to the ballpark. I try not to do too much thinking about things like that. In this society we measure success in different ways. Three thousand (hits) represents success over a career, not a season. It'll be nice to get to that point."

"So many good things have happened to me in the game of baseball. When I do allow myself a chance to think about it, it's almost like a storybook career. You feel so blessed to have been able to compete this long."

"Stubbornness is usually considered a negative, but I think that trait has been a positive for me."

"The last thing you want to do is go down in the history of All-Star game competition as the only injury (his nose was broken by Roberto Hernandez) sustained during the team picture."

"The reality is that players can't play forever."

"The streak has become my identity; it's who I've become."

"Tonight I stand here, overwhelmed, as my name is linked with the great and courageous Lou Gehrig. I'm truly humbled to have our names spoken in the same breath. This year has been unbelievable. I've been cheered in ballparks all over the country. People not only showed me their kindness, but more importantly, they demonstrated their love of the game of baseball. I give my thanks to baseball fans everywhere. Tonight, I want to make sure you know how I feel. As I grew up here, I not only had dreams of being a big league ballplayer, but also of being a Baltimore Oriole. For all of your support over the years, I want to thank you, the fans of Baltimore, from the bottom of my heart. This is the greatest place to play."

"Whether your name is (Lou) Gehrig or (Cal) Ripken, (Joe) DiMaggio or (Jackie) Robinson, or that of some youngster who picks up his bat or puts on his glove, you are challenged by the game of baseball to do your very best day in and day out. That's all I've ever tried to do."

Quotes About Cal Ripken, Jr.

"Cal (Ripken, Jr.) is a bridge, maybe the last bridge, back to the way the game was played. Hitting home runs and all that other good stuff is not enough. It's how you handle yourself in all the good times and bad times that matters. That's what Cal showed us. Being a star is not enough. He showed us how to be more." - Joe Torre

"Cal's (Ripken, Jr.) meant a lot to baseball with his streak. He's been almost like the ambassador for the game." - Randy Johnson

"Every time we see a legend leave the game like Cal (Ripken, Jr.), it's a great example. It's a great example for a guy to follow. For him to make this decision, especially the way he loves the game, is something that for him is very painful right now." - Sammy Sosa

"God has given him great health and a great work ethic and he has been lucky enough to avoid the kinds of problems that could have very easily ended the streak. Will this record ever be broken again? Well, I know I sure won't be around to see it if it ever is." - Broadcaster Ernie Harwell

"He is the man. He is the man." - Sammy Sosa

"He's one of the greatest ambassadors of the game we have ever seen. He's a great role model. He's a role model for baseball but also for the entire population." - Texas Rangers owner Tom Hicks

"He was a pioneer in many ways. The most underrated thing about him was his defense. The year he went out and made three errors and led the league in double plays, that was awesome. He'll be remembered more for his home runs, RBI and games played, but his defense was something." - Alex Rodriguez in The Ft. Worth Star-Telegram

"He was the one player I enjoyed playing with and learned more from than just about any player. Just the way he approached the game, especially during times he was under stress with the streak; the way he handled that and prepared for each game even with all the ups and downs you go through. You watch a player like that and you can't help but admire him." - Rafael Palmeiro

"I admire him not only for his talent, but for his constant determination day in and day out. He's been loyal to his team, his fans, the community and professional sports every phase of his career. His determination and talent has been great for baseball and America." - President Clinton

"I'm happy for (Cal) Ripken. He's got a work ethic rare in the modern major leagues. A player like Ripken harks back to the days before the free-agent system in American baseball, when players stuck around long enough to become the pride of their town." - Sachio Kinugasa (played in 2,215 Japan League games)

"I'm honored to be on the same fields as him." - Alex Rodriguez

"It is extremely impressive that Cal (Ripken, Jr.) was able to do something like this while playing shortstop. You have to have size and strength, which he obviously has, you have to have skill and you have to have some luck. I have always thought that shortstops were the best athletes on the field and this just reconfirms that." - Ozzie Smith

"It's one of the great achievements in the history of sports. Cal Ripken embodies all that the Orioles stand for, all that Baltimore stands for and, really, all that this country stands for in terms of his dedication and work ethic." - Baltimore Orioles owner Peter Angelos

"No one's ever had that aura like he had it. No one's ever done it the way he did it, in every way." - Curt Schilling

"One thing people have to understand is that the second half of an athlete's life is a lot longer than the first half. There are times when you have to move on. You can't stay and play sports your whole life. There never will be another Cal (Ripken, Jr.)." - Mark McGwire

"Ozzie (Smith) has the fielding for his signature. Cal (Ripken has the durability. But (Alan) Trammell doesn't really have that signature. Same with (Lou) Whitaker." - Jerry Crasnick

"(Cal) Ripken and (Lou) Gehrig are both so extraordinary that I can't say enough good things about either one of them. A lot of fans seem to fret that by Cal's setting this record, he will somehow obscure Gehrig's place in history, which I disagree with. History matters more in baseball than in any other sport, and Cal's approaching this record enabled a new generation of fans to learn more about Gehrig than they may possibly otherwise ever have." - Sportscaster Bob Costas

"Sometimes when he gets hit by a pitch I'm almost embarrassed to ask him about it. By the time he gets back to the dugout the bruise is gone." - Orioles trainer Richie Bancells

"There are certain people who, when they ask you to do something, you mark it on your calendar. He would be one of them. I hope this is the way he wants to go out. Certain players, you let them go out the way they want to." - Ken Griffey, Jr.

"There are only a couple of people in the game who could do that: step out of the box, thank the fans for their ovation, get back in there, regain concentration for a split second and then hit a 93 mph fastball over the left-center field fence. It was unbelievable." - Tony Gwynn

"There was nothing to keep him (Cal Ripken, Jr.) from being a star in the Major Leagues. That was inevitable." - Earl Weaver

"They ought to have all the other games stop when his game starts, and show it on the TV screens. Every player would like to see his reaction when he crosses the line." - Lou Whitaker

"You have inspired many teammates. You have delighted millions of fans. You have given the nation uncountable memories. Your pride in and love for the game are at a level few others will reach. We are thrilled to play beside him today, and for enabling us to share this wonderful moment in time." - Brady Anderson

"Unbelievable. I think the thing that comes to my mind is that I can look back and say I played during that incredible stretch, during that streak of his. I'll be able to tell my grandchildren that." - Alan Trammell

"Wherever my former teammate, Lou Gehrig, is today, I'm sure he's tipping his cap to you, Cal (Ripken, Jr.). You certainly deserve this lasting tribute." - Joe DiMaggio

Cal Ripken Jr. Quotes

During the streak Cal Ripken, Jr. committed two-hundred errors at shortstop while opposing shortstops committed an average of two-hundred ninety-seven errors.

Click the Radio to Hear Cal Ripken, Jr. Farewell Speech

During the streak Cal Ripken, Jr. was replaced by nine players fifty-three times. Those players were: Tim Hulett (twenty-two), Juan Bell (twelve), Rene Gonzales (nine), Marty Brown (three), Manny Alexander (two), Jeff McKnight (two), Steve Scarsone (one), Pete Stanicek (one) and Ron Washington (one1)

During the streak Cal Ripken, Jr. played with thirty-four different third baseman and twenty-six different second baseman.


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