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Four days near(ish) from Vancouver

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Hello all!

My husband and I are soon ending our 2 weeks trip in BC. So far, we have been in Whistler for 4 days of hiking (which we loved!), we have been to Ucluelet for some whale watching and some forest walks and we are now in Victoria where we intend to just stroll around and eat/drink our way through the city. For our last four days, we are not quite sure where to go. We are travelling with a baby, therefore driving all the way to the Okanaghan Valley is too far. We would like to stay in one area for the remaining days to avoid all the packing and unpacking that comes with a baby. Ideally a place with wine tasting and hiking possibility? Where would you suggest we go? North Vancouver? Fraser Valley? Manning Park? Gulf Island? There is too many options to discover! :D Thx!
