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Futsal Planet
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20180619095744/http://www.futsalplanet.com/Guestbook/index.asp


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18/07/2016  -  Durynko
 from: Bratislava - Slovakia
 We are team in second national league in Slovakia. Capital city Bratislava. We want find good 2-3 players for our team. We can offer accomodation job here. Please contact via email. We want growup

25/04/2016  -  VUC Myanmar
 from: Yangon - Myanmar
Victoria University College

29/06/2015  -  chris
 from: Bromsgrove - Great Britain
 Birmingham Tigers are looking for new players to play in the new Super League North Division. If you are interested in having a trial please contact chris on christopherbloore@hotmail.co.uk for more details.

17/02/2015  -  leroy brown
 from: guatemala - Guatemala
 hola buen dia, estoy muy agradecido con la nominacion y les agradezco el seguimiento, quisiera saber mas sobre el tema,o la mecanica de este premio, atte. leroy brown referee fifa fUTSAL GUATEMALA

14/10/2014  -  gil21
 from: Bari - Italy
 Our team is in first division of female futsal in Italy. We are looking for good players. Contuct us, if you want

16/06/2014  -  The Exporter
 from: SKP - Pakistan
 We love Futsal. You will find us At your service....regards, Ali

21/01/2014  -  Babak
 from: Tehran - Iran
 The best futsal team...Iran...

09/08/2013  -  Steven Nyembe
 from: Gauteng - South Africa
 I am proud of my son Mpumi Nyembe who is playing for Northampton Fitsal League in England.Keeo it up especial for the fact that you have embrased our Lord Jesus Christ as personal Saviour - Dad

09/11/2012  -  peyman
 from: tehran - Iran
 thanks iran tanks for top classic playing against spain Hope to win

31/07/2012  -  Hurtinov
 from: Les Ponts Martel - Switzerland
 Le Futsal et fantastique...
plus jolie que le Football sur gazon.

31/07/2012  -  Hurti
 from: Watt - Swaziland
 Futsal for ever!!!
Futsal also for Germany? Way not!!!
Go Germany go...

29/06/2012  -  Matke
 from: Belgrade - Serbia
 Happy birthday!

09/06/2012  -  Stane
 from: Litija - Slovenia
 Vse najboljše / All the best.

07/06/2012  -  Marc
 from: Derby - England
 Happy Birthday Futsal Planet!!! Great resource for the whole futsal family, keep up the excellent work.

07/06/2012  -  HUSSEIN DIB
 from: BEIRUT - Lebanon

06/06/2012  -  Josue
 from: Mexico - Mexico
 Felicidades por un aniversario tan especial.
Gracias por la informarnos del crecimiento del futsal mundial.
un abrazo

06/06/2012  -  marcelo Gallina
 from: Rio de Janeiro - Brazil
 Estimado amigo Mico ... felicitaciones por 15 años de servicio al mundo del fútbol .... más por venir desde hace muchos años, gran abrazo a la familia de futsalplanet.

05/06/2012  -  Andrija
 from: Zagreb - Croatia
All the best!!

04/06/2012  -  tonga
 from: Buenos Aires - Argentina
 Complimenti per questi 15 anni di lavoro!!!!
Felicitaciones por estos 15 años de trabajo!!!

04/06/2012  -  Oscar Garcia
 from: Madrid - Spain
 Mico, Luca y todos los que formais la familia de Futsalplanet... ENHORABUENA!!!! Pero, sobre todo, GRACIAS!!! Vosotros hacéis que este deporte sea poco a poco más grande y sois una referencia para todos a los que nos gusta... Ojalá cumplais con salud otros 15 y llegueis mínimo a 150 más, aunque nosotros no lo veamos ya

04/06/2012  -  Dave Payne
 from: Auckland - New Zealand
 Great work team! Thank you for all the efforts gone in over the last 15 years. Still the first place to look for anything on futsal.

03/06/2012  -  Kevin
 from: Malta
 Congratulations. Keep up the good work !!!

03/06/2012  -  Trappeniers Hugues
 from: Antwerp - Belgium

02/06/2012  -  David Santos
 from: Porto - Portugal
 Congratulations for your fundamental work to the Futsal. I know how hard is put everything behind the Futsal even if Futsal is not your job. futsalplanet.com is part of the Futsal history. Thank you. Best regards, David Santos

02/06/2012  -  Sergio Martínez
 from: Spain - Spain
 Felicidades por tantos años de apoyo a nuestro deporte, sin vosotros no se hubiesen conseguido tantas cosas y no se habrian conocido tantas personas que aman este deporte en todo el mundo. Muchas gracias a todos los que colaboran en esta web y en especial a Mico y Luca.

02/06/2012  -  hippy
 from: bangkok - Thailand
 happy birthday anniversar 15 years ! thank you

02/06/2012  -  Futsal-Hungary
 from: Hungary
 The FutsalPlanet is simple the BEST.
Happy Birthday !

02/06/2012  -  Mario53
 from: Montevideo - Uruguay
 Para Mico, Luca y los demás amigos las felicitaciones por este logro junto a el agradecimiento por todo lo que nos han informado.

02/06/2012  -  saryonosar
 from: Yogyakarta - Indonesia
 Happy Birthday Fut5al Planet..go to joy site ..
keep to best futsal newsmaker

02/06/2012  -  David Daniel Nanulaitta
 from: Jakarta - Indonesia
 We are from Spiritfutsal.com say Happy Birthday!Congratulations! More better in the future.

02/06/2012  -  Kirill Zemskov
 from: Moscow - Russia
 Happy birthday from russian Futsal Party blog!!!

02/06/2012  -  FUTSAL NEWS PORTAL
 from: NICOSIA - Cyprus
 Happy birthday FUTSAL PLANET !
Τたうοおみくろん απόλυτο ΦΟΥΤΣΑΛ PORTAL σしぐまτたうηいーたνにゅー Κύπρο.

01/06/2012  -  Penny
 from: Zagreb - Croatia
 Happy birthday!

01/06/2012  -  Alejandro Alcázar
 from: Madrid - Spain
 Gracias por existir.

01/06/2012  -  Golsala.com
 from: Madrid - Spain
 Muchísimas felicidades por estos primeros 15 años de trabajo. Muchas gracias por estar en la red

01/06/2012  -  Marcos Diniz
 from: Jacareí - Brazil
 Amigos do Futsal Planet. Parabéns pelos 15 anos. Vcs são demais D+++++ !!!! conheci o futsalplanet.com em 2001 e me apaixonei. Obrigado pelo Futsal !Olympic Games NOW !!!!

01/06/2012  -  Simon Wright
 from: Manchester - England
 Happy 15th Birthday guys! Keep up the good work - just think where we will be in the next 15 years! Futsal is the future!

01/06/2012  -  Gustavo Paradeda
 from: NOVOSIBIRSK - Russia

01/06/2012  -  CROfutsal
 from: Zagreb - Croatia
 Best wishes from CROfutsa team!!!

01/06/2012  -  Driss
 from: Kenitra - Morocco
 congratulations for all you ve done for futsal .
all the best for the future!!!
Dina kenitra futsal club

01/06/2012  -  Alexandra&Leo;
 from: Turin - Italy
 Congratulations! You are the best!

Ale & Leo
Your supporters...

01/06/2012  -  JUAN LOZANO SANTANA
 from: ALMÁCHAR - Spain

Gracias, Obrigado, Grazzie, Merci, Danke, Thanks, Arigato, Kitos...

01/06/2012  -  Betg
 from: Chiaravalle - Italy
 Diffondi per altri 150 anni il virus del futsal.

01/06/2012  -  Urban Futsal Zürich
 from: Zürich - Switzerland
 Vi facciamo i nostri + sinceri auguri per i servizi che prestate verso questo sport fantastico.

Saluti dalla Svizzera
Urban Futsal Zürich

01/06/2012  -  joaquín vázquez
 from: Santo domingo - Dominican Republic
 Muchas felicidades, Miko, Luca y todo el gran equipo humano de futsalplanet. Habeis sido un referente para todos los aficionados al futsal durante estos años. Seguid así, suerte y contad conmigo para todo lo que necesiteis en el CAribe, ahora, lo mismo que antes en España. Joaquín Vázquez

01/06/2012  -  Marcin Synoradzki
 from: Chojnice - Poland
 congratulations for very, very, very good work!!!

all the best for the future!!!

Red Devils Chojnice - Ekstraklasa Futsalu

01/06/2012  -  Costa Rica Futsal
 from: San José - Costa Rica
 Les he seguido desde 2005.. Siete años de compartir la emoción del Futsal con ustedes.. Felicidades por los 15 años y que sean muchos mas los cuales les seguiremos!!
Futsal is the way!!!

01/06/2012  -  Dejan Djedovic
 from: Požega - Serbia
 My last message was before 5 years , but wishes are same - Happy birthday , long life ...

01/06/2012  -  rutdyfutsal
 from: Bangkok - Thailand
 The best website for Futsal fans around the world. I always very happy when come to www. futsalplanet.com

31/05/2012  -  Luke Futsal
 from: Turin - Italy
 Dear futsal friends,
we have just re-opened our guestbook on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of Futsalplanet.com!

Feel free to leave your messages here!

www.futsalplanet.com staff

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Any difficulties? Feel free to contact Danilo Lemma

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