Minnesota Vikings at Green Bay Packers - December 23rd, 2017

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Scoring Table
Quarter Time Tm Detail MIN GNB
18:28VikingsKai Forbath 49 yard field goal 30
0:56VikingsStefon Diggs 4 yard pass from Case Keenum (Kai Forbath kick)100
31:20VikingsKai Forbath 20 yard field goal 130
42:56VikingsKai Forbath 27 yard field goal 160

Game Info


Expected Points Summary

Win Probability

Team Stats

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Passing, Rushing, & Receiving


Kick/Punt Returns

Kicking & Punting

Packers Starters

Vikings Starters

Packers Snap Counts

Vikings Snap Counts

Pass Targets

Rush Directions

Pass Tackles

Rush Tackles

Packers Drives

Vikings Drives

Full Play-By-Play

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