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Musings from the gallows : autobiography of Ram Prasad Bismil (Libro, 2007) [WorldCat.org]
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Musings from the gallows : autobiography of Ram Prasad Bismil

Autore: Rāmaprasāda Bismila; Malwinder Jit Singh Waraich
Pubblicazione: Ludhiana : Unistar Books, 2007.
Edizione/Formato:   Libro a stampa : Biography : English
Autobiography of an Indian freedom fighter, who also participated in the Kakori train robbery.

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Genere/formato: Biography
Persona nominata: Rāmaprasāda Bismila; Rāmaprasāda Bismila
Tipo materiale: Biography
Tipo documento Libro
Tutti gli autori / Collaboratori: Rāmaprasāda Bismila; Malwinder Jit Singh Waraich
ISBN: 8189899481 9788189899486
Numero OCLC: 180690320
Descrizione: 139 pages ; 23 cm
Altri titoli: Ātmakathā.
Autobiography of Ram Prasad Bismil
Responsabilità: translated by Rajinder Singh ; edited by Malwinderjit Singh Waraiach.


Autobiography of an Indian freedom fighter, who also participated in the Kakori train robbery.


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