Real Estate


  1. On the Market

    CreditBrad Dickson for The New York Times

    Homes for Sale in Brooklyn and Manhattan

    This week’s properties are in Boerum Hill, Brooklyn, Lenox Hill, and Gramercy Park.

  2. On the Market

    CreditLaura Moss for The New York Times

    On the Market in New York and New Jersey

    This week’s properties include a five-bedroom in Ossining, N.Y., and a three-bedroom in Byram, N.J.

  3. International Real Estate

    CreditMoris Moreno for The New York Times

    House Hunting in … the Bahamas

    Luxury prices are inching up in Nassau, thanks in part to foreign investors who see the island nation as a safe investment.

  4. Guide

    CreditSue Yasu + Junko

    How to Decorate Your Home

    Decorating your home can feel like a daunting task. But by following the steps used by professional interior designers, you’ll have a much greater chance of success. Learn how.

  1. On Location

    CreditMatthew Millman for The New York Times

    A Sausalito House Transformed

    When an architect set out to remodel her home in the Bay Area, she envisioned a small project. It took her former intern to persuade her to dream bigger.

  2. Shopping Guide


    Shopping for Outdoor Sconces

    For a small light fixture, an exterior sconce can have an outsize effect on the way your home looks — especially as it gets dark earlier.

  3. The High End

    CreditRendering by Familiar Control

    Hudson Square Tower With a French Accent

    Françoise Raynaud, a Parisian architect, has created a 30-story condo designed both to loom over and blend in with its fast-developing downtown neighborhood.

  4. Photo
    CreditFrancesco Lagnese

    A Glimpse Behind Closed Doors

    Some of New York City’s most sumptuous and meticulously designed homes are celebrated in a new book.

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Living In

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  1. Living In


    Living In ... Mamaroneck Village, N.Y.

    An unpretentious place with a vibrant downtown and miles of coastline, the village is also surprisingly diverse, thanks to a wide range of housing.

  2. Living In


    Living In ... Middletown, N.J.

    Despite a range of housing options (and prices) and easy access to beaches and the city, the township is often overlooked. But residents like that.

  3. Living In


    Living In ... Ozone Park, Queens

    In the past decade, the neighborhood has seen a “tremendous transformation,” with new developments and an increasingly diverse population.