Postgraduate & early career

For postgraduate and early-career researchers, The Society offers a range of schemes to help develop your skills and career. From funding to attend scientific meetings and schemes to organise symposia, to skills workshops and a science writing prize, we aim to help increase postgraduate employability.

Below is an outline of some of the support available.

The Early Career Physiologists’ Symposium (ECPS)

ECPS offers PhD students and recently qualified postdoctoral workers the chance to organise a scientific symposium. The Society provides sponsorship, but the scientific content, format and social events are decided entirely by the early-career organising committee. If you are interested in organising a meeting please contact, more details on how to organise an ECPS can be found here.

The Young Life Scientists’ Symposium (YLS)

The Physiological Society co-sponsors The Young Life Scientists’ Symposium (YLS) alongside the Biochemical Society and the British Pharmacological Society. Teams of early-career researchers can apply to organise a symposium on a scientific theme and format of their choice. All that is required is that the theme is relevant to each of the three sponsoring societies.

Young Life Scientists’ Symposium apply for 2018

Supporting our Researchers' Futures

The British Ecological Society and The Physiological Society are working together on a 12-month programme of support for post-doctoral researchers seeking a permanent academic post.

More details

Travel grants for early-career researchers

Early-career researchers can apply for grants to attend scientific meetings. For more information see the grants page.

Experimental Physiology Early Career Authors' Prize

The Experimental Physiology Early Career Author's prize has been established to reward early career authors who publish outstanding research papers in Experimental Physiology which best meet the journal's remit of translation and integration.

The Journal of Physiology Early Investigator Prize

The Journal of Physiology's Early Investigator Prize is an initiative designed to reward early career authors who publish outstanding research papers in The Journal.