Good plant design and operation for onshore carbon capture installations and onshore pipelines: a recommended practice guidance document

Published jointly by the Energy Institute and the Global Carbon Capture and Storage Institute. This new title is an essential guide for engineers, managers, procurement specialists and designers working on global carbon capture and storage projects.

This document provides:

  • an overview of CCS technology including what plant equipment is novel and what is currently in use within the CCS or other industries;
  • an in depth guide to carbon dioxide to broaden the readers understanding of the material and its health and safety issues;
  • key design features of plant and pipelines for carbon dioxide service including experience gained from the industrial gases sector; and
  • key operational information for plant and pipelines for carbon dioxide service including experience gained from the industrial gases sector to ensure that your operating practices take into account the latest operational experiences from carbon dioxide plant.
Global CCS Institute
Carbon Capture and Storage Association (CCSA)
Energy Institute
Carbon capture, use and storage (CCUS)
CO2 capture
CO2 transport

Essential guide for engineers, managers, procurement specialists and designers working on global carbon capture and storage projects.

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