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2018 Cybersecurity Headlines in Review - Infosecurity Magazine
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20181224051418/https://www.infosecurity-magazine.com/webinars/2018-cybersecurity-headlines/

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2018 Cybersecurity Headlines in Review

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The year of 2018 will be remembered as a particularly busy one for the cybersecurity industry. The GDPR finally came into force after what seemed like an eternity of build-up, the impact of Big Data processing within social networks came to light and a threat in the form of Magecart hit the payments processing of a number of major companies.

In this webinar, Infosecurity Magazine’s Michael Hill and Dan Raywood will be joined by guest speakers to review the key trends of the year, their impact now and in the future, and what we can expect from 2019.

  • What were the cybersecurity trends that dominated the headlines in 2018, and was the right story told?
  • Which trends actually affected the user?
  • What trends from 2018 will continue to make an impact in 2019?
  • Overall, has this been a good year for cybersecurity?


Jim Doggett

SVP, Americas – CISO Panaseer, Panaseer

Rowenna Fielding

Data Protection Expert with Protecture

Michael Hill

Acting Editor , Infosecurity Magazine

Matt Pascucci

Cybersecurity practice manager, CCSI

Dan  Raywood

Contributing Editor, Infosecurity Magazine

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