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  1. Jonas Salk, who developed the first safe and effective vaccine for polio, was born in 1914. Thanks to widespread use polio vaccines, the disease has now been eliminated from most of the world.

  2. Baobab trees have unusual barrel-like trunks and are known for their extraordinary longevity. This tree in Madagascar is estimated to be more than 1,000 years old.

  3. 📈 'Anti-Semitism' is one of our most-viewed articles right now.

  4. : Mexican free-tailed bats near Bracken Cave, Texas. During the summer the cave is home to the world's largest bat colony, estimated at 15–20 million. via

  5. Oct 27

    Theodore Roosevelt, 26th president of the United States, was born in 1858.

  6. Oct 26

    : Contrary to popular belief, bats are not blind. They actually have very good vision that is well-adapted for seeing in low-light conditions.

  7. Retweeted
    Oct 26

    the most-massive pumpkins ever grown have exceeded 907 kg (2,000 pounds)? OMG.

  8. Oct 26

    French nobleman Gilles de Rais, arguably the first serial killer in recorded history, was hanged for his crimes in 1440.

  9. Oct 26

    Jack-o'-lanterns weren't always made out of pumpkins. The tradition originated in Ireland, where people carved demonic faces into turnips. 🎃

  10. Retweeted

    Ever wonder which words first appeared in print the year you were born? Come time travel with us.

  11. Oct 26

    Happy 71st birthday to . The former U.S. secretary of state was born in Chicago in 1947.

  12. Oct 26

    As a child, author Barbara Kingsolver read Encyclopaedia Britannica with her brother: "We [started] at opposite ends of the alphabet and [met] at the middle, on the theory that between us we’d then know everything." 😍

  13. Oct 26

    Frankenstein is no mere monster romp. Mary Shelley's mastery of science gave her novel an edge of sophistication.

  14. Oct 25

    It takes 75,000 saffron flowers to make a single pound of saffron spice.

  15. Oct 25

    Beate Sirota Gordon was born in 1923. As a 22-year-old American translator during the U.S. occupation of Japan, she helped secure rights for women in the Japanese constitution.

  16. Retweeted
    Oct 25

    In 1928, Paul & Joseph Galvin founded Galvin Manufacturing Corporation in Chicago. They later produced one of the 1st commercially successful car radios, the , kicking off a long history of innovation. /

  17. Oct 25

    there are more than 1,200 species of bats? They range in size from the bumblebee bat, with a wingspan of 6 inches (15 cm), to the flying foxes, with a wingspan of up to 5 feet (1.5 meters).

  18. Oct 25

    in 1920 King Alexander of Greece died from blood poisoning after he was bitten by a pet monkey.

  19. Oct 25

    One of the most influential artists of the 20th century, Pablo Picasso was born in Spain in 1881.

  20. Oct 24

    : Modern Western numerals (0, 1, 2, 3…) originated in India and were introduced to Europe by way of Arab mathematicians.


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