Both Angry Video Game Nerd platforming titles are being re-released on consoles as The Angry Video Game Nerd: I & II Deluxe, it has been confirmed.

Centred around the online, mature-themed comedy series of the same name, both titles are 2D platformers where, as the Nerd, you're tasked with blasting your way through each level with a NES Zapper. The first game, Angry Video Game Nerd Adventures, actually arrived on Wii U and 3DS back in 2015 after its original launch on steam, but the sequel, The Angry Video Game Nerd Adventures II: ASSimilation, didn't make it to consoles.

The news of the new deluxe bundle comes via developer FreakZone Games' Twitter account:

Specific platforms for the bundle haven't yet been announced, although FreakZone's responses to replies left by fans would suggest that a Switch version is almost certainly on the way. One such reply states "we know what you all want. I’m not allowed to answer questions on which consoles yet but I think people will be very happy", while another response says "I think it's clear where the nerd belongs".

Our favourite tease of the bunch, though, is this:

Naturally, all other details specific to this bundle are also still rather thin on the ground, but feel free to check out our reviews of the 3DS and Wii U versions of the original title for more info.

Would you like to see the bundle arrive on Switch? Have you played either of the two games before? Let us know in the comments below.
