
Last August, the Japanese publication Famitsu revealed the first two entries in the tactical role-playing series Langrisser would be receiving remakes on the Nintendo Switch. The two in one deal was due to arrive in Japan on 7th February but has since been delayed until 18th April.

In place of the launch is now a demo. According to Gematsu, this demo - available from 7th February onwards - will include the first three stages of the original Langrisser. This will help players familiarise themselves with the game's world and story. In addition to this, the demo will include stages four to six of the second Langrisser release - allowing players to see a number of updated features.

The classic mode - a first-print bonus with the final release - will be featured in the demo and will allow players to swap between newly illustrated and retro artwork. This demo will also contain hidden content that will link to the final release of the game. If you're interested to try out this demo on 7th February, you'll need to have access to a Japanese eShop account. You can read more about the history of this series in our feature.

Are you hoping Langrisser I & II get localised? Will you be trying out the demo when it arrives? Tell us below.
