Our Impact

The world is at a turning point in the fight against climate change, and 2018 is an absolutely critical year for action.

While 2015 and 2016 saw incredible progress in confronting the climate crisis, the election of Donald Trump changed everything.  Climate change deniers, polluters, and extremists are in control of the federal government, and our environment, health, and safety are under threat like never before.

LCV will work with our state affiliates and expand our base of allies and activists across the country, to mount a powerful resistance to Trump’s dangerous agenda in 2018.

Our top priorities are to:

DEFEND federal protections for our air, land, water and health.  In addition to climate progress, landmark legislation like the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act, the Antiquities Act, and the Endangered Species Act are under fire from the most anti-environmental Congress in history.  These laws protect our health, the air we breathe, and the water we drink, and we will defend them at all costs.

ADVANCE meaningful progress at the state and local levels.  To counter federal inaction on climate change, states, cities and municipalities must lead many of the economy-wide changes needed to lower emissions and avert long-term catastrophe.  With our state LCV partners, LCV will push lawmakers and mobilize the public to demand solutions that expand access to clean energy, reduce dangerous pollution, and clean up our communities.

BUILD the long-term political power needed to win on climate change.  Through grassroots organizing, civic and voter engagement, accountability, and elections, we will resist Trump’s agenda, build our movement for the long-term, and reposition the U.S. to lead in the fight against climate change.

No doubt, this work will be more challenging than ever before.  We face an extreme anti-environmental Congress and a White House that is handing over policymaking to climate deniers and fossil fuel interests.  There is no underestimating the threat at the federal level.

Still, we are ready to fight.  Americans of all backgrounds are outraged and ready to resist the Trump administration’s assaults on our basic rights, democracy, and core values.  The clean energy revolution is underway, and momentum in states, cities, and other countries cannot be stopped.  Our champions in Congress are more committed than ever to defending our air, land, water, and health.  We have a powerful network of 28 state LCV partners and a grassroots infrastructure ready to harness the energy of millions of people and turn it into action.  And we have you.

Please stand with LCV as we seize opportunities and pursue our shared goals. Together, we will keep the United States moving forward on climate change and protect the one planet we call home.