2018 New Member Guide

The League of Conservation Voters (LCV) 2018 New Member Guide summarizes the backgrounds and environmental positions of newly elected federal candidates who were endorsed and/or financially supported by LCV Action Fund and/or state LCV partners. As in past election cycles, LCV Action Fund supported federal candidates who demonstrated a commitment to leading on climate change, promoting clean energy, fighting for the health of our communities, and protecting our air, water, land and wildlife. We are thrilled to have helped elect so many environmental champions to the U.S. House and Senate and to have helped flip control of the House to a pro-environment majority. It is worth noting that there are other pro-environment new members of Congress who are not included in this document for various reasons, and we look forward to working with them as well.

In the 2018 election cycle, LCV Action Fund endorsed candidates in 25 U.S. Senate races and 126 U.S. House races, supporting candidates who better reflect the diversity of our country, particularly more women, LGBTQ people and people of color. This is reflected in this historically diverse Congress, whose incoming class includes a number of Members of Congress who are “firsts” for their respective communities. For a complete list of LCV Action Fund endorsements, including those of incumbents who were re-elected, please visit: lcv.org/endorsements.

The 2018 New Member Guide includes 4 new members of the U.S. Senate and 56 new members of the U.S. House. LCV is committed to continue working with both new and returning members of Congress to protect the environment and public health.

Click here to view or download the full 2018 New Member Guide.