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El Chapo verdict shows why we do need ‘the wall’

Just hours after negotiators reached a budget deal giving President Trump far less for border security than he’d demanded, jurors came back with guilty verdicts against Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman...

Don’t expect love ‘just the way you are’

As Valentine’s Day approaches, there’s an uptick in inspirational memes posted to social media. There’s Bill Murray pointing at you to let you know that “you’re awesome.” Or Leslie Knope,...
A map of federal court circuits.

Trump is chipping away at Obama's remade federal courts

“President Donald Trump and Senate Republicans are remaking the federal courts in their own image,” declared NPR’s Nina Totenberg recently. Others agree: The administration’s lower-court selections will change America “for...
The "Liv Act" honors bereaved Bronx woman Liv Abreu and her unborn child (seen in this sonogram).

This is not 'protecting Roe'

So much for all those claims that the Reproductive Health Act merely codified Roe v. Wade into New York law: The RHA just forced Queens prosecutors to drop fetal-homicide charges...

Getting to a budget deal -- maybe

Negotiators announced Monday night that they had an “agreement in principle” on border-enforcement funding that can avoid another federal shutdown. Keep your fingers crossed. Talks had stalled over late Democratic...

Pelosi & Co. flinch from truly confronting anti-Semitism

It took hours of strong prodding by other Democrats, but Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other House leaders finally condemned “anti-Semitic tropes and prejudicial accusations” by Rep. Ilhan Omar. But instead...