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  • Madison Behm, Alligator Contributing Writer

In light of the 2016 presidential elections, more people are expected to attend the Restoration of Civil Rights Workshop on Thursday.

  • Emily Cardinali, Avenue Writer

A laughing group of people collaborated on collages that circulated around two long tables. Torn-up magazine pages toppled off the tables as t…

  • Jessica Pereda, Alligator Contributing Writer

Offering an escape from reality, Creative for Health will be hosting a series of art workshops for those affected by cancer.

  • Elizabeth Brown, Alligator Contributing Writer

The Florida Public Interest Research Group is bringing its new health care awareness campaign to UF’s campus.

  • Cara Chiaramonte, Alligator Contributing Writer

The Career Resource Center will begin its first social media workshop series today at 4 p.m. in its classroom on the first floor of the Reitz Union.

  • Clare Lennon, Alligator Writer

The Student Senate's Judiciary Committee educated students about legislation in its Legislative Writing Workshop on Thursday night.

  • Natalia Sieukaran, Alligator Blogger

After ABC's showing of "A Very Gaga Thanksgiving," Lady Gaga's holiday spirit continues on as she harnesses her inner Santa, Tim Burton and Willy Wonka in Gaga's Workshop for Barneys.

  • PAIGE LACY, Alligator Writer

By the time students graduate, they owe about $2,500 in credit card debt and about $10,000 in school loans, according to Michael Gutter, a UF …