(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
HOLY BIBLE: Joshua 1
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Joshua 1

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1 κかっぱαあるふぁὶ ἐγένετο μみゅーεいぷしろんτたうτたうνにゅー τελευτὴνにゅー Μみゅーωおめがυうぷしろんσしぐまεいぷしろんπぱいεいぷしろんνにゅー κύριος τたうῷ Ἰησοῖ υうぷしろんἱῷ Ναυη τたうῷ ὑπουργῷ Μωυσῆ λέγων 2 Μみゅーωおめがυうぷしろんσしぐまῆς ὁ θεράπων μみゅーοおみくろんυうぷしろん τετελεύτηκεν νにゅーνにゅー οおみくろんνにゅー ἀναστὰς διάβηθι τたうνにゅー Ιορδάνην σしぐまκかっぱαあるふぁπぱいᾶς ὁ λらむだαあるふぁὸς οおみくろんὗτος εいぷしろんἰς τたうνにゅー γがんまνにゅーνにゅーγがんまὼ δίδωμι αあるふぁτたうοおみくろんῖς 3 πぱいᾶς ὁ τόπος ἐ{F'} ὃνにゅーνにゅー ἐπιβῆτたうεいぷしろん τたうῷ ἴχνει τたうνにゅー πぱいοおみくろんδでるたνにゅーμみゅーνにゅーμみゅーνにゅー δώσω αあるふぁὐτόν ὃνにゅー τρόπον εいぷしろんἴρηκα τたうῷ Μωυσῇ 4 τたうνにゅー ἔρημον κかっぱαあるふぁτたうνにゅー Ἀντιλίβανον ἕως τたうοおみくろんῦ ποταμοῦ τたうοおみくろんῦ μεγάλου ποταμοῦ Εいぷしろんὐφράτου κかっぱαあるふぁὶ ἕως τたうῆς θαλάσσης τたうῆς ἐσχάτης ἀ{F'} ἡλίου δでるたυうぷしろんσしぐまμみゅーνにゅー ἔσται τたうὰ ὅρια ὑμみゅーνにゅー 5 οおみくろんκかっぱ ἀντιστήσεται ἄνθρωπος κατενώπιον ὑμみゅーνにゅー πάσας τたうὰς ἡμέρας τたうῆς ζぜーたωおめがῆς σしぐまοおみくろんυうぷしろん κかっぱαあるふぁὶ ὥσπερ ἤμみゅーηいーたνにゅー μみゅーεいぷしろんτたうὰ Μωυσῆ οおみくろんὕτως ἔσομαι κかっぱαあるふぁὶ μετὰ σしぐまοおみくろんκかっぱαあるふぁοおみくろんκかっぱ ἐγκαταλείψω σしぐまεいぷしろん οおみくろんδでるたὲ ὑπερόψομαί σしぐまεいぷしろん 6 ἴσχυε κかっぱαあるふぁὶ ἀνδρίζου σしぐまγがんまρろー ἀποδιαστελεῖς τたうλらむだαあるふぁῷ τούτῳ τたうνにゅー γがんまνにゅーνにゅー ὤμοσα τたうοおみくろんῖς πατράσιν ὑμみゅーνにゅー δでるたοおみくろんνにゅーαあるふぁιいおた αあるふぁτたうοおみくろんῖς 7 ἴσχυε οおみくろんνにゅー κかっぱαあるふぁὶ ἀνδρίζου φυλάσσεσθαι κかっぱαあるふぁὶ ποιεῖνにゅー καθότι ἐνετείλατό σしぐまοおみくろんιいおた Μみゅーωおめがυうぷしろんσしぐまῆς ὁ πぱいαあるふぁῖς μみゅーοおみくろんυうぷしろん κかっぱαあるふぁοおみくろんκかっぱ ἐκκλινεῖς ἀ{P'} αあるふぁτたうνにゅー εいぷしろんἰς δでるたεいぷしろんξくしーιいおたοおみくろんδでるたεいぷしろんἰς ἀριστερά ἵνにゅーαあるふぁ σしぐまυうぷしろんνにゅーῇς ἐνにゅー πぱいσしぐまιいおたνにゅー οおみくろんἷς ἐὰνにゅー πράσσῃς 8 κかっぱαあるふぁοおみくろんκかっぱ ἀποστήσεται ἡ βίβλος τたうοおみくろんῦ νόμου τούτου ἐκかっぱ τたうοおみくろんῦ στόματός σしぐまοおみくろんυうぷしろん κかっぱαあるふぁὶ μελετήσεις ἐνにゅー αあるふぁτたうῷ ἡμέρας κかっぱαあるふぁὶ νυκτός ἵνにゅーαあるふぁ σしぐまυうぷしろんνにゅーῇς πぱいοおみくろんιいおたεいぷしろんνにゅー πάντα τたうὰ γεγραμμένα τότε εいぷしろんὐοδωθήσῃ κかっぱαあるふぁεいぷしろんὐοδώσεις τたうὰς ὁδούς σしぐまοおみくろんυうぷしろん κかっぱαあるふぁὶ τότε συνήσεις 9 δでるたοおみくろんὺ ἐντέταλμαί σしぐまοおみくろんιいおた ἴσχυε κかっぱαあるふぁὶ ἀνδρίζου μみゅーὴ δειλιάσῃς μみゅーηいーたδでるたὲ φοβηθῇς ὅτたうιいおた μみゅーεいぷしろんτたうσしぐまοおみくろんῦ κύριος ὁ θεός σしぐまοおみくろんυうぷしろん εいぷしろんἰς πάντα οおみくろんὗ ἐὰνにゅー πορεύῃ 1 His servant Moses dead, the Lord gave a charge to Josue, son of Nun, that till now had waited on Moses’ needs. 2 Now that my servant Moses is dead, he told him, it is for thee to cross yonder stream of Jordan, taking the Israelites with thee into the land I am giving them for their own. 3 My promise to Moses holds good; there is no piece of ground your feet shall tread but I will make it yours, 4 all the Hethite country, that has the desert, and Lebanon, and the great river Euphrates, and the open sea on the west for its frontiers. 5 While thou yet livest, there shall be no withstanding Israel’s onset; I will be with thee as with Moses, never leave nor let thee. 6 Courage, then, play the man; thy task is to divide up this land between the tribes, my promised gift to their fathers. 7 Play the man thou must, and keep thy courage high, carrying out faithfully the law my servant Moses enjoined on thee; never swerve to right or left, and thou shalt order thy life truly. 8 The law thou hast in writing must govern every utterance of thine; night and day thou must ponder over it, so as to carry out all the terms of it faithfully; so wilt thou guide thy steps truly and prosper. 9 Courage and a man’s part, that is what I ask of thee; no room for fear and shrinking back, when the Lord thy God is at thy side wherever thou goest. 1 Et factum est post mortem Moysi servi Domini, ut loqueretur Dominus ad Josue filium Nun, ministrum Moysi, et diceret ei: 2 Moyses servus meus mortuus est: surge, et transi Jordanem istum tu, et omnis populus tecum, in terram quam ego dabo filiis Israël. 3 Omnem locum, quem calcaverit vestigium pedis vestri, vobis tradam, sicut locutus sum Moysi. 4 A deserto et Libano usque ad fluvium magnum Euphraten, omnis terra Hethæorum usque ad mare magnum contra solis occasum erit terminus vester. 5 Nullus poterit vobis resistere cunctis diebus vitæ tuæ: sicut fui cum Moyse, ita ero tecum: non dimittam, nec derelinquam te. 6 Confortare, et esto robustus: tu enim sorte divides populo huic terram, pro qua juravi patribus suis, ut traderem eam illis. 7 Confortare igitur, et esto robustus valde, ut custodias, et facias omnem legem, quam præcepit tibi Moyses servus meus: ne declines ab ea ad dexteram vel ad sinistram, ut intelligas cuncta quæ agis. 8 Non recedat volumen legis hujus ab ore tuo: sed meditaberis in eo diebus ac noctibus, ut custodias et facias omnia quæ scripta sunt in eo: tunc diriges viam tuam, et intelliges eam. 9 Ecce præcipio tibi: confortare, et esto robustus. Noli metuere, et noli timere: quoniam tecum est Dominus Deus tuus in omnibus ad quæcumque perrexeris.
10 κかっぱαあるふぁὶ ἐνετείλατο Ἰησοῦς τたうοおみくろんῖς γραμματεῦσしぐまιいおたνにゅー τたうοおみくろんῦ λαοῦ λέγων 11 εいぷしろんἰσέλθατε κかっぱαあるふぁτたうὰ μέσον τたうῆς παρεμβολῆς τたうοおみくろんῦ λαοῦ κかっぱαあるふぁὶ ἐντείλασθε τたうλらむだαあるふぁῷ λέγοντες ἑτοιμάζεσθε ἐπισιτισμόν ὅτたうιいおたτたうιいおた τたうρろーεいぷしろんῖς ἡμέραι κかっぱαあるふぁὶ ὑμみゅーεいぷしろんῖς διαβαίνετε τたうνにゅー Ιορδάνην τたうοおみくろんτたうοおみくろんνにゅー εいぷしろんἰσελθόντες κατασχεῖνにゅー τたうνにゅー γがんまνにゅーνにゅー κύριος ὁ θしーたεいぷしろんὸς τたうνにゅー πατέρων ὑμみゅーνにゅー δίδωσιν ὑμみゅーνにゅー 12 κかっぱαあるふぁτたうῷ Ρουβην κかっぱαあるふぁτたうΓがんまαあるふぁδでるた κかっぱαあるふぁτたうῷ ἡμίσει φふぁいυうぷしろんλらむだῆς Μανασση εいぷしろんἶπεν Ἰησοῦς 13 μνήσθητε τたうὸ ῥῆμみゅーαあるふぁ κυρίου ὃ ἐνετείλατο ὑμみゅーνにゅー Μみゅーωおめがυうぷしろんσしぐまῆς ὁ πぱいαあるふぁῖς κυρίου λέγων κύριος ὁ θしーたεいぷしろんὸς ὑμみゅーνにゅー κατέπαυσεν ὑμみゅーᾶς κかっぱαあるふぁὶ ἔδωκεν ὑμみゅーνにゅー τたうνにゅー γがんまνにゅー ταύτην 14 αあるふぁἱ γυναῖκες ὑμみゅーνにゅー κかっぱαあるふぁτたうὰ παιδία ὑμみゅーνにゅー κかっぱαあるふぁτたうὰ κτήνη ὑμみゅーνにゅー κατοικείτωσαν ἐνにゅー τたうγがんまῇ ᾗ ἔδωκεν ὑμみゅーνにゅーμみゅーεいぷしろんῖς δでるたὲ διαβήσεσθε εいぷしろんὔζωνοι πρότεροι τたうνにゅー ἀδελφῶνにゅーμみゅーνにゅー πぱいᾶς ὁ ἰσχύων κかっぱαあるふぁὶ συμμαχήσετε αあるふぁτたうοおみくろんῖς 15 ἕως ἂνにゅー καταπαύσῃ κύριος ὁ θしーたεいぷしろんὸς ὑμみゅーνにゅー τたうοおみくろんὺς ἀδελφοὺς ὑμみゅーνにゅー ὥσπερ κかっぱαあるふぁὶ ὑμみゅーᾶς κかっぱαあるふぁὶ κληρονομήσωσιν κかっぱαあるふぁοおみくろんτたうοおみくろんιいおた τたうνにゅー γがんまνにゅーνにゅー κύριος ὁ θしーたεいぷしろんὸς ἡμみゅーνにゅー δίδωσιν αあるふぁτたうοおみくろんῖς κかっぱαあるふぁὶ ἀπελεύσεσθε ἕκαστος εいぷしろんἰς τたうνにゅー κληρονομίαν αあるふぁτたうοおみくろんῦ ἣνにゅー δέδωκεν ὑμみゅーνにゅー Μみゅーωおめがυうぷしろんσしぐまῆς εいぷしろんἰς τたうὸ πέραν τたうοおみくろんῦ Ιορδάνου ἀ{P'} ἀνατολῶνにゅー ἡλίου 16 κかっぱαあるふぁὶ ἀποκριθέντες τたうῷ Ἰησοῖ εいぷしろんπぱいαあるふぁνにゅー πάντα ὅσしぐまαあるふぁνにゅー ἐντείλῃ ἡμみゅーνにゅー ποιήσομεν κかっぱαあるふぁεいぷしろんἰς πάντα τόπον οおみくろんὗ ἐὰνにゅー ἀποστείλῃς ἡμみゅーᾶς πορευσόμεθα 17 κかっぱαあるふぁτたうὰ πάντα ὅσしぐまαあるふぁ ἠκούσαμεν Μみゅーωおめがυうぷしろんσしぐまῆ ἀκουσόμεθα σしぐまοおみくろんπぱいλらむだνにゅーσしぐまτたうωおめが κύριος ὁ θしーたεいぷしろんὸς ἡμみゅーνにゅー μみゅーεいぷしろんτたうσしぐまοおみくろんῦ ὃνにゅー τρόπον ἦνにゅー μみゅーεいぷしろんτたうὰ Μωυσῆ 18 δでるたὲ ἄνθρωπος ὃς ἐὰνにゅー ἀπειθήσῃ σしぐまοおみくろんιいおた κかっぱαあるふぁὶ ὅστις μみゅーὴ ἀκούσῃ τたうνにゅー ῥημάτων σしぐまοおみくろんυうぷしろん καθότι ἂνにゅー αあるふぁτたうῷ ἐντείλῃ ἀποθανέτω ἀλらむだλらむだὰ ἴσχυε κかっぱαあるふぁὶ ἀνδρίζου 10 And now Josue bade the chieftains make their way through the midst of the camp, giving the people orders 11 to prepare themselves food; in two days’ time they were to cross the Jordan and set about conquering the land which the Lord would make their home. 12 And he warned Ruben and Gad, and the separate half of Manasses, 13 Do not forget the message that was given you by Moses, the Lord’s own servant. The Lord your God, he told you, has granted you secure possession of all that is yours. 14 In that land which Moses assigned to you beyond Jordan your wives and children and cattle shall await you, while you that are warriors go over in the van of your brethren, and fight in their cause. 15 A day will come when the Lord your God will give them, too, undisturbed possession of their appointed home; then you shall go back and settle in your own lands, where the Lord’s servant Moses assigned them to you, east of Jordan. 16 And they answered, We will do all thy bidding, go out upon all thy errands, 17 obey thee as we obeyed Moses in all things. And may the Lord thy God be with thee, as he was with Moses. 18 Whoever thwarts thy will or refuses to obey any order of thine shall die for it; courage, then, play the man. 10 Præcepitque Josue principibus populi, dicens: Transite per medium castrorum, et imperate populo, ac dicite: 11 Præparate vobis cibaria: quoniam post diem tertium transibitis Jordanem, et intrabitis ad possidendam terram quam Dominus Deus vester daturus est vobis. 12 Rubenitis quoque et Gaditis, et dimidiæ tribui Manasse, ait: 13 Mementote sermonis, quem præcepit vobis Moyses famulus Domini, dicens: Dominus Deus vester dedit vobis requiem, et omnem terram. 14 Uxores vestræ, et filii, ac jumenta manebunt in terra, quam tradidit vobis Moyses trans Jordanem: vos autem transite armati ante fratres vestros, omnes fortes manu, et pugnate pro eis, 15 donec det Dominus requiem fratribus vestris sicut et vobis dedit, et possideant ipsi quoque terram quam Dominus Deus vester daturus est eis: et sic revertimini in terram possessionis vestræ, et habitabitis in ea, quam vobis dedit Moyses famulus Domini trans Jordanem contra solis ortum. 16 Responderuntque ad Josue, atque dixerunt: Omnia quæ præcepisti nobis, faciemus: et quocumque miseris, ibimus. 17 Sicut obedivimus in cunctis Moysi, ita obediemus et tibi: tantum sit Dominus Deus tuus tecum, sicut fuit cum Moyse. 18 Qui contradixerit ori tuo, et non obedierit cunctis sermonibus, quos præceperis ei, moriatur. Tu tantum confortare, et viriliter age.
Copyright © 2017 by Kevin Knight. Dedicated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.