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The newly appointed Nintendo President, Shuntaro Furukawa, may have only officially stepped into his position earlier this week, but already he’s been talking to a number of local media outlets in Japan about the direction of the company.  

Speaking to The Kyoto Shimbun, the president touched on a range of subjects in relation to Nintendo’s current and future business practices. His points about the 3DS follow on from recent conversation in the West linked to the expected lifespan of the system. Mr Furukawa is of the belief the device still has advantages over the Switch and stated Nintendo was “considering various possibilities” in regards to a successor for the popular handheld device. How serious he is about this is unclear, as the Switch is obviously a key focus for Nintendo right now - with the aim being for every person to own one. 

Mobile gaming is steadily becoming an important area for the company as well. According to Furukawa, Nintendo wants to diversify its offerings and eventually make mobile platforms a main pillar of revenue, even though it only contributes to about four percent of the total sales at this point in time. Collaborations with companies such as DeNA is another important factor in helping this area succeed. 

Would you like to see a successor to the 3DS, or do you think Nintendo should focus on the Switch and the mobile market? Tell us below.
