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Elder Action Circles - Elders Action Network
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20200805170916/https://eldersaction.org/elder-circles/

Elder Action Circles

Sometimes our intention to “do something!” falters; but if we have made a plan with other elder activists we’re far more likely to continue to show up – to support each other and pursue the change we wish to see in the world.


The purpose of Elder Action Circles (EACs) is to build a movement by inspiring and supporting elder activists working for social and environmental justice and sustainable living.


Elder Action Circles support activist elders in a number of ways. They:

  • Provide community. Meeting face to face or virtually with other elder activists on a regular basis builds human warmth and connection that revitalizes, sustains, and recommits us in our work.
  • Provide resources. Members of circles, working on the same or different topics, supply each other with knowledge about avenues for engagement, strategies for effectiveness, fresh sources of substantive information, and more.
  • Provide a supportive framework. Knowing that you have a regular meeting to attend, where you’ll report your actions and progress and hear the same from others, is motivating.
  • Generate ideas for joint action. EACs provide members an opportunity to plan coordinated actions on specific topics, often in partnership with other local groups, raising the visibility of elder activists.


  • You can join a circle. A few EACs currently exist, and welcome all new members. You can find them here: Directory of EAN Elder Action Circles
  • You can start a circle. Most communities don’t yet have EACs, and we need them everywhere to build our movement. (And in fact, many communities can sustain more than one circle!) All it takes to start an EAC is two or three people and our Tips for Getting Started.


We’re here to help you build our movement of elders!

  • Join our next Elder Action Circle coaching call and get the resources and support you need to start a Circle in your local community, and make new friends from other parts of the country who are also forming EACs.
  • Alternately, for friendly 1:1 help in forming your own Elder Action Circle, please contact Libby Traubman or Karen Fine.
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