In DepthInfectious Diseases

As normalcy returns, can China keep COVID-19 at bay?

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Science  03 Apr 2020:
Vol. 368, Issue 6486, pp. 18-19
DOI: 10.1126/science.368.6486.18

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Life is almost back to normal in much of China. Shops, restaurants, bars, and offices are open. Manufacturing activity is picking up. Traffic once again jams the highways of major cities. Three-quarters of China's workforce was back on the job as of 24 March, according to one company's estimate. Wuhan, where the COVID-19 pandemic originated, is lagging, as is the rest of Hubei province—but even there, the lockdown is set to lift 8 April. China has managed to bring a blazing epidemic of a respiratory virus to a virtual standstill, which few believed was possible. Now, the key question is: Can China keep it that way?

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