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Health & Medicine News -- ScienceDaily
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Health & Medicine News
April 13, 2020

Top Headlines

Researchers have succeeded in restoring mobility and sensation of touch in stroke-afflicted rats by reprogramming human skin cells to become nerve cells, which were then ... read more
No vaccines exist that protect people against infections by coronaviruses, including SARS-CoV-2, which causes COVID-19, or ... read more
An international team has found a trial drug that effectively blocks the cellular door SARS-CoV-2 uses to infect ... read more
Old human cells return to a more youthful and vigorous state after being induced to briefly express a panel of proteins involved in embryonic development, according to a ... read more
Latest Headlines
updated 12:28am EDT

Earlier Headlines

Moving Closer to Producing Heparin in the Lab

Researchers moved one step closer to the ability to make heparin in cultured cells. Heparin is a potent anti-coagulant and the most prescribed drug in hospitals, yet cell-culture-based production of ... read more

PARP Inhibitor Drugs Can Be 'Tuned' for Better Killing of Tumor Cells

A prospective 'PARP inhibitor' drug that has struggled to show effectiveness in clinical trials against cancers can be structurally modified to greatly increase its power to kill tumor ... read more

Guidance on Treating COVID-19 Patients With Signs of Acute Heart Attack

Much remains unknown about COVID-19, but many studies already have indicated that people with cardiovascular disease are at greater risk of COVID-19. There also have been reports of ST-segment ... read more

Scientists Discover Six New Coronaviruses in Bats

Researchers have discovered six new coronaviruses in bats in Myanmar -- the first time these viruses have been detected anywhere in the world. Future studies will evaluate the potential for ... read more

Ear's Inner Secrets Revealed With New Technology

What does it actually look like deep inside our ears? This has been very difficult to study as the inner ear is protected by the hardest bone in the body. But with the help of synchrotron X-rays, it ... read more

How Silver Ions Kill Bacteria

The antimicrobial properties of silver have been known for centuries. Now scientists are seeking to better understand how the noble metal kills bacteria to help combat antiobiotic-resistant ... read more

Optical Imaging Technology May Help Surgeons Better Treat Cancer, Brain Diseases

Researchers created technology that uses optical imaging to better help surgeons map out tumors in the body and help them understand how certain diseases affect activity in the ... read more

Rare, Damaging Inherited Mutations Work Together to Reduce Lifespan

Scientists report that the combined effects of rare, damaging mutations present at birth have a negative impact on healthspan and ... read more

Newly Emerged Enterovirus-A71 C4 Isolates May Be More Virulent Than B5 in Northern Vietnam

Researcher have found a new sublineage of enterovirus A71 (EV-A71) C4 subgenotype with two possible recombinant strains during the 2015-16 outbreak of hand-foot-and-mouth disease in Hanoi, northern ... read more

Stuttering DNA Orchestrates the Start of the Mosquito's Life

There are large parts of the DNA that are not used for making proteins. This is called 'junk DNA', because its function remained unclear for a long time. However, a certain type of junk DNA ... read more

Critical Protein in Cancer Treatment-Related Heart Damage

Researchers showed that a protein named FOXO1 plays a critical role in heart damage resulting from treatment with anthracycline chemotherapy drugs. Using a rodent model, they also demonstrated that ... read more

Missing BAP1 Gene Associated With Immunosuppressive Molecules in Uveal Melanoma

A new study reveals that tumors lacking a protein called BAP1 have an ineffective immune reaction against cancer, thus rendering immunotherapies ineffectual, particularly in uveal melanomas (UM). The ... read more

First in-Human Study of Drug Targeting Brain Inflammation Supports Further Development

MW189 blocks abnormal inflammation in the brain that is known to contribute to injury- and disease-induced neurologic impairments in a number of acute and chronic brain disorders. This study examined ... read more

Discovery of a Novel Function for MAP2 in Synaptic Strengthening

The research team discovered a new role for MAP2 in the synaptic potentiation process and expects to provide key insights into synaptic dysfunction in brain ... read more

COVID-19 Drug Lead Treatments Identified

An international team of researchers has tested more than 10,000 compounds to identify six drug candidates that may help treat COVID-19. The research tested the efficacy of approved drugs, drug ... read more

Women's Lifestyle Changes, Even in Middle Age, May Reduce Future Stroke Risk

Middle age may not be too late for women to substantially lower their stroke risk through lifestyle modifications. Middle-aged women who quit smoking, started exercising, maintained a healthy weight ... read more

Social Media Can Forecast Economic Impact of Disasters Including COVID-19 Pandemic

Social media should be used to chart the economic impact and recovery of businesses in countries affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, according to new research. Scientists describe a 'real ... read more

COVID-19: Genetic Network Analysis Provides 'Snapshot' of Pandemic Origins

The first use of phylogenetic techniques shows the 'ancestral' virus genome closest to those in bats was not Wuhan's predominant virus type. The study charts the 'incipient ... read more

Newborns Infected With COVID-19 in China Experienced Mild Symptoms

Researchers have identified a total of four cases of newborn babies with COVID-19 infection in China. In all cases the babies experienced only mild symptoms with none requiring intensive care or ... read more

Modeling Study Estimates Impact of Relaxing Control Measures on Possible Second Wave of COVID-19 in China

Use of real-time monitoring of COVID-19 transmissibility and severity to fine-tune control strategies offers the best chance to minimize second wave of infection in mainland China, outside Hubei ... read more

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