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Orlando Magic: Former NBA coaching great Phil Jackson no longer in Magic mix - tribunedigital-orlandosentinel
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20150914043312/http://articles.orlandosentinel.com/2012-05-31/sports/os-brian-schmitz-magic-phil-jackson-0601-20120531_1_magic-ceo-alex-martins-dwight-howard

After showing some interest, Phil Jackson will not join the Orlando Magic

8:01 p.m. EST, May 31, 2012|Brian Schmitz, Magic Insider

Well, it sounded like a good idea at the time. A fabulous idea, in fact. A stunning, bold, unique and risky idea.

It was an idea so impossibly enormous that Dwight Howard might have bought into it and stayed in Orlando until his hair turned gray.

For the past few days, Phil Jackson was interested in the possibility of joining the Magic's front office.

Then, late Thursday afternoon, Jackson bowed out.

Magic CEO Alex Martins was formally presented on Wednesday with a scenario involving Jackson by Sam Vincent, who played for the Magic and Jackson.

"It drew some interest from Phil," Vincent said. "But in the end, Phil decided to go with another opportunity."

Jackson is apparently headed back to the NBA in some capacity, but he pulled out here before Martins had a chance to run it by owner Rich DeVos. Martins learned of Jackson's exit Thursday, but would not comment.

"Not because of this specific situation, but because I have been consistent during the search that I won't comment on specific candidates," Martins said in an e-mail. "I stand by my statement that we will put a premium on searching for Championship experience in the positions within in our search."

Vincent said Jackson gave him the impression that he doesn't want to coach anymore. But the Magic scenario would have involved Jackson as either the team president/ general manager or in a consulting role — sort of like Pat Riley looking down from his office at Erik Spoelstra in Miami.

Vincent said that Jackson, 66, was intrigued enough by the idea that Vincent and another intermediary were preparing to fly to Jackson's home in Montana to speak with him. And, if the talks went well, they would next approach Howard.

That intermediary with Vincent was a former all-star player and Hall of Famer who, in Vincent's plan, was to be the next coach of the Magic. Jackson would help mentor him.

The former player has never coached before, but surrounded by Jackson and a coaching staff including Vincent — former Charlotte Bobcats coach — and a couple of Jackson's former Los Angeles Lakers assistant coaches — Frank Hamblen and Jim Cleamons — the hope was that he could learn on the fly.

I'd love to divulge the name of the former all-star player and would-be coach, but he's currently an employee of another NBA team.

Sounds like a gamble, but if Vincent's plan had come together and Howard was on board to play for a rookie coach, how could the Magic have said no? As long as Howard signs a long-term contract extension, the Magic might agree to let Chris Rock be head coach.

Besides, how could Howard have turned down Jackson?

Could you have imagined the Zen Master, the Hall of Fame coach with an unprecedented 11 rings, lending his Zen to the Magic?

If Howard wanted championship credibility in the organization, he couldn't have asked for a more credible character than Jackson.

With the possibility of Jackson and Howard on board, the hope was that their star power could attract free agents such as Steve Nash and Lamar Odom.

Vincent played for the Magic from 1989-92, one of the expansion franchise's originals. He still lives in Orlando and says a piece of his heart still belongs to the Magic. It's why he brought the Jackson proposal to Martins.

"In my capacity, I was trying to put together something that would be in the best interest of the Magic," Vincent said.

Vincent was excited early Thursday afternoon before learning that Jackson had passed on the opportunity to come to Orlando. Vincent still intends to present a variation of his plan to the Magic. It's a unique concept, picking men from the Jackson coaching/playing tree and presenting the staff for hire.

Vincent has some head coaching candidates for the Magic, including Scottie Pippen. "We lose a strong component in Phil, but it still has a lot of strength," Vincent said. "I wanted to have Phil in the group."

For a few days, the Magic's fantasy of Phil had taken flight. Ah, what could have Zen.


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