
Passion, craft and more than a slice of ambition

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Sipsmith and Creode; a perfect digital blend
The challenge

A site that keeps pace with the brand

As the Sipsmith brand goes from strength to strength they need a digital partner to keep step with their ambitions.

Sipsmith engaged Creode to develop a roadmap for the next two years. Key to this was that we have an agile approach to enable rapid improvement releases through the project.

It’s an acknowledged fact that customers can buy Sipsmith Gin elsewhere so we needed to understand what place the website has for these customers, what does it need to be?

The Solution

Develop a roadmap for success

As their digital partner it was key that Creode aligned with their ambitions and developed the roadmap for the website. This enables us to all to focus and really drive the brand forward.

We began by setting up tracking using analytics and session recording. This gave us great insights into current behaviour on the website. We could see the pain points and crucially where customers were being lost.

That data was then mapped against our desired behaviour, this formed the backbone of the roadmap with a set of key deliverables.

Agile practice with sprints was key so we could box off separate tasks to design, build, test and release. This allowed Sipsmith to start seeing the benefits very quickly. 

The website is built on the WordPress platform and we are constantly delivering improvements to enhance the experience.

Thirst for more

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