

Explore historical and projected climate data, climate data by sector, impacts, key vulnerabilities and what adaptation measures are being taken. Explore the overview for a general context of how climate change is affecting Norway.

Country Context

Norway is located in Northern Europe. It shares borders with Sweden, Finland, Russia, the North Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean. Norway has a total area of 323,781 km2 and a mainland coastline of more than 2,500 km long, excluding fjords and bays. With 5.3 million inhabitants, Norway has the lowest population density in Europe after Iceland. The large majority of the Norwegian population is settled along the coast and the fjords, and an increasing percentage, about 80% of the population lives in urban settlements. Norway is a small, open and integrated economy. Exports constitute over a third of the Norwegian GDP which is estimated at $381 billion (2017). The petroleum industry has for several decades been a key driver for economic growth in Norway. In 2016, the production of crude oil and natural gas accounted for 15% of the Norwegian GDP. A continuously stricter global climate policy and an ever faster technological development changes the overall conditions for Norwegian business. Norway is committed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 40% by 2030 (Nationally Determined Contribution, 2016). Most of Norway has a maritime climate with mild winters and cool summers. Because of the influence of the North Atlantic Ocean, Norway has a much warmer climate than its latitudinal position would indicate. During 1900-2016, the annual mean temperature in Norway has increased by about 1.1°C (Seventh National Communication, 2018).

Country level data at a glance

Climate Data

Historical Trends

The section provides access to historical climate datasets for both temperature and precipitation from 1900 to 2016.

Projected Trends

The section provides access to future climate datasets for both temperature and precipitation and their statistical derivatives for various timeframes and emission scenarios from 2020 to 2099.

The section provides access to future climate datasets for both temperature and precipitation and their statistical derivatives for various timeframes and emission scenarios from 2020 to 2099.

Climate by Sector

This section contains information from multiple climate indicators and indices relevant for key economic sectors. Simple narratives can help you interpret and extract summaries of potential climate change impacts at the sector level.

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This section allows you to explore the susceptibility of livelihoods and natural systems to impacts from climate variability and change and facilitate the exploration of socioeconomic and development data and its relationships with natural hazards vulnerable areas.

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This section allows you to explore the climate information from multiple climate indicators and present them with simple, embedded interpretation for an informative, high-level summary of the potential for future climate change impacts on key socioeconomic sectors.

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This section helps you grasp key national adaptation policies and reports, explore options for key sectors, and understand current adaptation gaps and needs for enhanced climate smart planning.

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