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Pokemon Sword / Shield: The Isle of Armor for Switch Reviews - Metacritic
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Pokemon Sword / Shield: The Isle of Armor Image

Mixed or average reviews - based on 28 Critic Reviews What's this?

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Mixed or average reviews- based on 267 Ratings

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  • Summary: THE ISLE OF ARMOR - In The Isle of Armor expansion, you'll head to The Isle of Armor, the stage of your new adventure in the Galar region. The Isle of Armor is a giant island full of environments not seen in Galar beforeyou'll find wave-swept beaches, forests, bogs, caves, and sandTHE ISLE OF ARMOR - In The Isle of Armor expansion, you'll head to The Isle of Armor, the stage of your new adventure in the Galar region. The Isle of Armor is a giant island full of environments not seen in Galar beforeyou'll find wave-swept beaches, forests, bogs, caves, and sand dunes!,There are also plenty of Pokémon that make this island their home, living freely amid the lush natural surroundings.,There's even a dojo here that specializes in some very particular training styles! You and your Pokémon will take up an apprenticeship under the master of this dojo and train hard to become even stronger. Expand


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Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 28
  2. Negative: 0 out of 28
  1. Jun 25, 2020
    Pokémon Sword and Shield: Isle of Armor also offers competitive features with a wealth of new tools and resources to make your battles even more interesting, and give you a helping hand with building new teams. Through this DLC, the metagame is almost certain to evolve, at least until the Crown Tundra expansion drops later this year. Oooh, I’m excited already.
  2. Jun 18, 2020
    The Pokemon Sword and Shield Isle of Armor DLC is a worthy add-on to the base game, despite being somewhat light on content.
  3. Jun 18, 2020
    Despite not being the primary DLC for the Pokémon Sword and Shield Expansion Pass, The Isle of Armor has enough quality content to bring us back to the eighth generation. Even if its history is short and shallow.
  4. Jun 17, 2020
    You're getting a very small narrative and another big interconnected Wild Area: that's pretty much of the gist of it.
  5. Jun 23, 2020
    The Isle of Armor improves on Pokémon Sword and Shield's open world experiments with a light expansion.
  6. Jun 18, 2020
    Isle of Armor is a good small step for Pokémon, but we can only recommend it to players who want to continue capturing and fighting.
  7. Jun 19, 2020
    As sympathetic as it is, Isolarmure is therefore the theater of a first dispensable DLC which certainly does not lack content, but above all of inspiration.

See all 32 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 25 out of 81
  2. Negative: 42 out of 81
  1. Jun 17, 2020
    I would have preferred a third version for the end of the year where the SwSh story would have been improved and this would be at the end, butI would have preferred a third version for the end of the year where the SwSh story would have been improved and this would be at the end, but as a DLC, it's a fresh proposal and to me it's correct that the franquice goes in this direction. Expand
  2. Jun 19, 2020
    Personally I adore all pokemon games and more of it is just perfect for me and the new wild area/entire new area is large expansive and feelsPersonally I adore all pokemon games and more of it is just perfect for me and the new wild area/entire new area is large expansive and feels lived in unlike the base one wich felt more barron
    Over all perfect for anyone who slightly enjoyed the base game. The story could have been longer but its aboit 2 and a half hours a quarter of the base game so with the other part it will be enough and more for me
  3. Jun 17, 2020
    There’s a lot in this half of the pass that I didn’t expect. The new moves are amazing, new items are very much welcome, and the new storyThere’s a lot in this half of the pass that I didn’t expect. The new moves are amazing, new items are very much welcome, and the new story content is more then I expected. Tho at the same time there some stuff missing that I was expecting. New Galarian forms or new Pokémon just for version exclusives. I find it very odd that the only difference between the sword and shield versions is the rival. I’m sure that’s a disappointment for anyone who bought both. But overall very good experience, up their with smash and splatoon as the best AAA DLC on the switch. Expand
  4. Jun 18, 2020
    Es un añadido interesante a la aventura que vivimos en Pokémon Sword/Shield con funciones llamativas como la historia del pokémon Kubfu, laEs un añadido interesante a la aventura que vivimos en Pokémon Sword/Shield con funciones llamativas como la historia del pokémon Kubfu, la nueva área salvaje con ambientes que van desde playas hasta cuevas, algunos pocos nuevos pokémon y el regreso de más de 100 especies de generaciones anteriores, además de la sorpresa del regreso de la característica del pokémon acompañante.
    A pesar del aumento en las horas de juego, este contenido adicional no deja de sentirse como contenido recortado del juego original, lo que vendría siendo el postgame en otras ediciones. Además de la inexplicable limitación en la funcionalidad del pokémon acompañante, la cual no permite utilizarse fuera de la isla. También es inevitable no destacar que los nuevos ambientes no mejoran en lo absoluto la experiencia de juego, lo cual nos muestra una especie de mundo abierto que continúa sintiéndose muy vacío y falto de personalidad.

    En conclusión, si te encantó el juego base deberías comprarte este pase de expansión con la incertidumbre del contenido del segundo DLC, en cambio si el juego base no te convenció del todo recomendaría esperarte aún más para ver si el segundo DLC mejora mucho más la experiencia de juego.

    El precio de $30.00 me parece muy elevado para un pase de expansión y específicamente $15.00 por este DLC no lo vale, habiendo muchos mejores contenidos adicionales de otros juegos o juegos independientes que te ofrecen mucho más por un menor precio.
  5. Jun 22, 2020
    Sloppy lazy, not worth the money...could have been a free update. Fortunately had just enough to get a three...
  6. Jun 21, 2020
    Online is still broken. Broken to the point it is unplayable. It's also equally as sloppy as the original game.
  7. Jun 21, 2020
    Nothing about the expansion felt special or thoughtful as an "expansion" to the game. This expansion feels like it should've been included inNothing about the expansion felt special or thoughtful as an "expansion" to the game. This expansion feels like it should've been included in the original game. There was only 2 hours of playtime to complete, which seems like a missed opportunity for an expansion. Even before getting to Isle of Armor, there wasn't any significant ties between the travel there and the main characters of the game; it would've made more sense to include this Isle in the original release! I'm hoping there's something tying it together after the entire expansion is released, but as it stands I am not impressed. Expand

See all 81 User Reviews