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More surveys, benchmarks and tools from the Business & Human Rights Resource Centre

Big issues

Some of the most critical topics to ensure that companies respect and promote human rights throughout their operations.

Corporate Legal Accountability

Concise profiles of lawsuits against companies accused of human rights abuses & commentaries

Pacific Region & Human Rights

Under reported business and human rights issues, allegations of abuse and local voices.

Mandatory Due Diligence

News & thought leadership on momentum towards due diligence laws


Modern slavery

In business operations and supply chains


Technology and Human Rights

Opportunities and risks for human rights created by new and emerging technologies

Gender and Human Rights

Recognising and valuing the voices and leadership of women in business & human rights


Beyond Social Auditing

What are the solutions and reform options for social auditing?

Human rights defenders

Track attacks & find tools for positive company action on civic freedoms.

Climate justice

What must business do to address the biggest human rights challenge of our time?

UN Guiding Principles

Includes implementation tools & examples, information on UN Working Group

Chinese investment overseas

Guidance, cases and company responses


Natural Resources

Accountability and transparency in the development and use of energy, minerals, land & water

View all big issues