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The Last of Us Part II for PlayStation 4 Reviews - Metacritic
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The Last of Us Part II Image

Universal acclaim - based on 117 Critic Reviews What's this?

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Mixed or average reviews- based on 133446 Ratings

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  • Summary: Five years after their dangerous journey across the post-pandemic United States, Ellie and Joel have settled down in Jackson, Wyoming. Living amongst a thriving community of survivors has allowed them peace and stability, despite the constant threat of the infected and other, more desperateFive years after their dangerous journey across the post-pandemic United States, Ellie and Joel have settled down in Jackson, Wyoming. Living amongst a thriving community of survivors has allowed them peace and stability, despite the constant threat of the infected and other, more desperate survivors. When a violent event disrupts that peace, Ellie embarks on a relentless journey to carry out justice and find closure. As she hunts those responsible one by one, she is confronted with the devastating physical and emotional repercussions of her actions. Expand
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The Last Of Us Part 2 - Inside The Gameplay
Score distribution:
  1. Negative: 0 out of 117
  1. Jun 12, 2020
    It is a game that turned me inside out with each twist of the screw.
  2. Jun 12, 2020
    The Last of Us Part II is the perfect combination of an excellent Hollywood movie with a fat budget with fun and flowing gameplay. The phenomenal writing will touch every player and won't leave an eye dry of tears. Combat and exploration are challenging and lead the player to use creativity and improvisation. A real masterpiece and a must-have for every PS4 owner.
  3. Jun 24, 2020
    The graphics and lighting make this one of the best looking games I have ever seen, especially on the current-generation of consoles.
  4. Jun 12, 2020
    My longest game session was twelve hours straight. I even dreamed of the game, woke up in the morning with the thought of wanting to plunge into this world again immediately. I was so captivated by The Last of Us Part 2. I have never experienced this in a video game in this intensity before.
  5. Jun 12, 2020
    The Last of Us Part II presents an absolutely crucial and challenging narrative about love and hate. Characters have convincing motivations that leave you thinking about more than what’s in front of you. The places it takes you to are awe-inspiring to explore, with unrivaled attention to detail, and although the combat is somewhat forgiving, it remains thrilling throughout much of the harrowing journey. The Last of Us Part II leaves a deep, emotional impact, and this unforgettable continuation should not be missed.
  6. Jun 24, 2020
    With Part II, Naughty Dog has outdone itself with some of the most meticulously crafted levels and environments that I have seen in a game.
  7. Jun 21, 2020
    In trying to subvert expectations, The Last of Us Part II discards the best aspects of its predecessor to provide a rote revenge tale that is ill-considered, ending on a note that makes everything — all the violence, all the loss, all the struggle — feel utterly, hopelessly pointless.

See all 128 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Jun 21, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. El videojuego The Last Of Us parte II brilla en todos los aspectos calificables en un videojuego. Encuentro interesante la historia, los gráficos son maravillosos y la Banda sonora es magnífica. La jugabilidad me recuerda a Metal Gear Solid V The Phantom Pain. Expand
  2. Jun 30, 2020
    Loved everything about this game. Don't believe the review-bombers. Game of the year.
  3. Jun 19, 2020
    All it takes is a little push for Ellie to go mad and her quest for revenge story is a brutalistic masterpiece. Do I need to say more? PlayAll it takes is a little push for Ellie to go mad and her quest for revenge story is a brutalistic masterpiece. Do I need to say more? Play the damn game and fully experience a masterfully crafted sequel that will keep you on the edge of your seat and witness the sheer brutality that needs to be played. The first game is all about love, and the sequel is all about hate and you can see why how rare TLOU2 is compared to the first game and it’s unbelievable. Everything ranging from the newly fleshed acessibility gameplay mechanics all the way to the superb writing by Neil Druckmann and Westworld’s Halley Gross is pure excellence. Naughty Dog, this is easily your guys’ best work since Uncharted 2 and there is a reason why you guys are the top underdogs in the gaming business on delivering the very best experience as possible and I hope you guys get royally compensated for creating this incredible follow-up masterpiece. No wonder why HBO’s The Last of Us is happening with Neil Druckmann and Chernobyl’s Craig Mazin on-board for the live adaptation..
  4. Jul 13, 2020
    I waited 7 years for this! What a disappointment.

    Now, the graphics were a solid 9/10. The gameplay was more of 8/10 for me. It was fun
    I waited 7 years for this! What a disappointment.

    Now, the graphics were a solid 9/10.

    The gameplay was more of 8/10 for me. It was fun for sure but unfortunely, there was nothing innovative in part 2 and the fighting does get repetitive.

    But the story, uff..... 2/10.
    It was brave what Druckmann & co. tried to do, but it didn't work. I don't mind the death of a certain character, but my problem was how and when it happened. It was out of character and felt rushed. And the Abby story? My gosh, I really couldn't care less about Abby and her friends and just wanted to run through her story as fast as possible. At one point they showed a friend of hers in a body bag, and we were supposed to feel sad or shocked he was dead. But honestly, I had no clue who the dude was. That's how little character development these guys got.

    Dina and Ellie were definitely cute together, I just wished the built up Dina's character and her relationship to Ellie more because until the farm with JJ, they had very little chemistry.

    Oh and the Abby and Owen scene (you know which one I'm talking about) was pure cringe.

    All in all, this game is a 5. Bec the story is way more important to me than graphics and gameplay in a game like this, it will also weigh in heavier.

    I think I would have been happier with Ellie and Joel's story if LoU2 never happened.
  5. Jun 19, 2020
    Boneheaded decisions and questionable plot choices will make every fan of the first game say “are you serious?” This game goes the way of gameBoneheaded decisions and questionable plot choices will make every fan of the first game say “are you serious?” This game goes the way of game of thrones season 8, and it ain’t pretty. Graphics are nowhere near enough to alleviate the colossal mistakes in the plot that NaughtyDog will surely come to regret. Expand
  6. Jun 20, 2020
    This game is totally worthless, is just to add a number, this game don't worth the $60
  7. Jun 23, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Like for gameplay, 2 points maybe deservedly, but I want play Elly, Tommy or Joel but not this person which appears in second half, this is not interested - minus 2 points. This just like fanfic 12 y.o. girl, nothing linked with last of us(2013), but this really funny I often laughing, nice rofl Expand

See all 69392 User Reviews

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