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Ghost of Tsushima for PlayStation 4 Reviews - Metacritic
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Ghost of Tsushima Image

Generally favorable reviews - based on 110 Critic Reviews What's this?

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Universal acclaim- based on 13877 Ratings

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  • Summary: The year is 1274. Samurai warriors are the legendary defenders of Japan -- until the fearsome Mongol Empire invades the island of Tsushima, wreaking havoc and conquering the local population. As one of the last surviving samurai, you rise from the ashes to fight back. But, honorable tacticsThe year is 1274. Samurai warriors are the legendary defenders of Japan -- until the fearsome Mongol Empire invades the island of Tsushima, wreaking havoc and conquering the local population. As one of the last surviving samurai, you rise from the ashes to fight back. But, honorable tactics won't lead you to victory. You must move beyond your samurai traditions to forge a new way of fighting -- the way of the Ghost -- as you wage an unconventional war for the freedom of Japan. Expand
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Ghost Tsushima Gameplay: Exploration, Combat, & Customzation - Complete Presentation
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 97 out of 110
  2. Negative: 0 out of 110
  1. Jul 22, 2020
    The PlayStation 4 gets to bow out of this console generation in suitably epic fashion with this incredible title. Ghost of Tsushima sets a new standard in open-world action games with one of the best games of this generation or any other, for that matter.
  2. Jul 14, 2020
    With Ghost of Tsushima under its belt, Sucker Punch deserves to be in the same conversation as Insomniac, Naughty Dog, and Sony Santa Monica.
  3. Jul 14, 2020
    Sucker Punch has made their best game to date. Ghost of Tsushima offers tons of content for dozens of hours, a superb combat system, gorgeous graphics, and a unique atmosphere. This is a perfect game to end the PlayStation 4 era, and it makes us optimistic about the future.
  4. Jul 14, 2020
    Ghost of Tsushima is probably one of the most beautiful games this generation and it oozes love for its theme. Its combat is fine and well researched, but the game lacks some content to excel as an open game in 2020.
  5. Jul 14, 2020
    With its satisfying gameplay and solid lifespan (about 30-40 hours), Ghost of Tsushima is another quality exclusive for the PS4. It knows how to reuse mechanics and fundamentals established by other licenses, and give them its own personal touch. And what a touch. It's not just an Assassin's Creed in Japan: it has its own visual code and almost cinematographic atmosphere, and the sublime island of Tsushima naturally replaces some of the interface elements. The whole game is infused with poetry, which is rather bold for a mainstream title. However, we regret the big weaknesses on a few fundamental points, as it lacks variety regarding the points of interest, the fights and especially the duels, which, combined with an ill-fitting difficulty, wearied us at the end. Nevertheless, it remains a very good experience and a game full of personality.
  6. Jul 14, 2020
    The game may never have been as sweet as it was in the first of the three main areas, but, to its credit, that’s because I was swept along by the story.
  7. 60
    And so, at the end of nearly 5,500 words of review, everything that I’ve written leaves me in a conundrum. On the one hand, just with The Last Of Us 2, I found the moment-to-moment gameplay of Ghost of Tsushima to be excellent and massively entertaining, if a little derivative at this point in time – the open world genre as a whole does need some new ideas. Tsushima doesn’t do anything that will surprise you if you’ve played any of Sony’s other first party games in recent years, but it does it all in a way that’s as refined and sharp as a samurai’s blade, and that is fundamentally enjoyable. I can’t stress that enough – this game is fundamentally enjoyable. However, as much as I had issues with The Last Of Us 2’s narrative, it was an American story told by Americans, and it had a thematic and tonal resonance as such. It was consistent and uncompromised. Ghost of Tsushima by contrast is a wild misfire with every narrative element it attempts, and it boils down to this: Sucker Punch decided to do a historical epic inspired by Kurosawa… and produced something that fails as both history and as a pastiche of Kurosawa. There are going to be a lot of people that love this game, but I don’t think that should be overlooked, nor dismissed as irrelevant to the quality of this both as artwork and entertainment product.

See all 120 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Jul 19, 2020
    Definitely a game of the year. Story is very good written, the visuals are on top - you want to take a screenshot every second. Fighting isDefinitely a game of the year. Story is very good written, the visuals are on top - you want to take a screenshot every second. Fighting is the best I’ve ever played. This game is more Assassin’s Creed than the last 5 Assassin’s Creed games. Expand
  2. Jul 18, 2020
    Ótimo gráficos, jogabilidade. Boa jogada da Sony pra fechar a geração com chave de ouro.
  3. Jul 21, 2020
    Игра просто шикарна - графика, сюжет, геймплей. Дракману стоит поучиться как делать отличные игры.Игра просто шикарна - графика, сюжет, геймплей. Дракману стоит поучиться как делать отличные игры.
  4. Jul 19, 2020
    Excellent game, very fun, portrays the period of Feudal Japan very well, I recommend.
  5. Jul 18, 2020
    Jogo perfeito em tudo, gráficos, jogabilidade, efeitos sonoros, a sucker punch fez um jogo sensacional, tá de parabéns, #SonyWins sempre
  6. Jul 23, 2020
    I gave this a 9 because I do not every rate anything as perfect. If you like single player stories, great game play and graphics, this is aI gave this a 9 because I do not every rate anything as perfect. If you like single player stories, great game play and graphics, this is a must buy for you. Expand
  7. Jul 31, 2020
    This game is truly beautiful, great value and really fun. If I had one bad thing to say about it. That would be I wish they had a better lockThis game is truly beautiful, great value and really fun. If I had one bad thing to say about it. That would be I wish they had a better lock on system, still that is a very minor gripe. It is just challenging enough and would love to see more from this series. Expand

See all 6891 User Reviews

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