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Read User Reviews and Submit your own for ACA NeoGeo: Blazing Star on Switch - Metacritic
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User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 17 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 17
  2. Negative: 2 out of 17

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  1. May 3, 2018
    Very good port of a classic game. Features online leaderboards and a couple of different scoring modes. Hard to ask for more.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 4 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 4
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 4
  3. Negative: 0 out of 4
  1. Jun 12, 2017
    One of the most famous Neo Geo shmups, Blazing Star fetches a pretty high price online these days for a full copy, so its inclusion at such a comparatively low price on a digital platform, on a system in which it is actually very playable (unlike the release on smart devices), both at home and on the go, is hard to miss out on for fans of the game itself in particular, or shmups in general, or even Neo Geo far and wide. Even those who already own a physical copy should not find it difficult to consider rebuying. Indeed, if anyone can afford a physical copy of this, then the small price of this digital rerelease, which comes complete with online leader boards for them to show off their skills for the world to see, should not prove too hard to swallow. It is a great classic that deserves to be experienced today just as much as back when it just came out, if not for history's sake, then for its intrinsic quality alone.
  2. 80
    There’s a reason why Blazing Star is looked back upon with high esteem, as it still stands tall to this very day. While the level design is a bit uneven, it’s ultimately a minor complaint when looking at the larger whole. Fun boss fights, varied play style of each ship and an overall great presentation equate to one of the more accessible and fun shoot-em-ups out there. Whether you’re a veteran revisiting past glories or a newcomer looking to see what the fuss is about, Blazing Star is sure to offer up a great deal of enjoyment.
  3. May 9, 2017
    One of the most famous Neo Geo shooters is now a essential purchase on your Switch, especially at this price.