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Baba Is You Critic Reviews for Switch - Metacritic
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Generally favorable reviews - based on 24 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 22 out of 24
  2. Negative: 0 out of 24
  1. NF Magazine
    Aug 28, 2019
    You've never played a puzzler like this before. [Issue #39 – May/June 2019, p. 27]
  2. Mar 18, 2019
    Baba is You is a small masterpiece of puzzle design. It’s hard to describe how clever this game is, and we can only encourage players who enjoy logic-based games to give it a try.
  3. Apr 12, 2019
    Smart, brilliant, mind-blowing. Baba is You is undoubtedly one of the best and original puzzle game ever made.
  4. Apr 5, 2019
    A brilliant puzzle game with simple yet ingenious mechanisms, a ton of levels and many options how to win. If only it was a bit more consistent in the application of its rules...
  5. Mar 29, 2019
    I’ve made my way through a wide and varied range of puzzlers in my many years playing video games but Baba Is You easily ranks as not only one of the cleverest but also one of the most rewarding. Whether you’re into logic-based puzzles and after a challenge or just in the market for something truly unique for your Switch, Baba Is You delivers a remarkable albeit sometimes too punishing experience. Reviewer Is Impressed.
  6. Mar 20, 2019
    In Baba is You there is no narrative, simply levels and levels to solve thinking outside the box. It's innovative, it's unusual, it's a gem.
  7. Mar 20, 2019
    Going from frustrating, to enlightening, to comical and back again to frustrating, all in such a short span of time. To incur — revel in even — all these emotions, yet still be so consistently intriguing and engaging an affair marks Baba Is You down as one of the year’s most thoughtful and entertaining releases thus far.
  8. Mar 18, 2019
    Under the tune of a minimalist semantic puzzle game, Baba is You hides an extraordinary experience that will take you to the frontiers of reason and logic. By inviting the player to constantly change the rules of the game, Arvi Teikari makes every element present on the screen a potential source of interaction, and offers the genre a concept as diabolical as it is audacious.
  9. Mar 17, 2019
    A hugely original puzzler that relies on raw logic in a way only a video game could, providing some of the most satisfyingly open-ended challenges of the generation.
  10. Mar 15, 2019
    Baba is You. Baba is rules to break. Baba is a revolutionary puzzler. Baba can be many things. But above all, Baba is You is a brilliant video game full of creative, mind-blowing puzzles that redefine the whole genre. One of the most innovative indies of recent years.
  11. Mar 14, 2019
    Baba is You is a smart, silly, brilliant puzzler that demands your attention - ignore it at your own risk.
  12. 90
    Logic puzzles don’t come more clever or rewarding than Baba Is You, and with that in mind, this is one of the best of its kind in recent memory. It just might stump you a lot.
  13. Mar 24, 2019
    Baba Is You is a real UFO in the puzzle games genre, and brings with him a wind of freshness. Despite its sober graphics, it unveileds all its depth thanks to its mechanics. A true unique experience.
  14. Jun 26, 2019
    Baba Is You is a simple, yet ingenious indie puzzle game that is unlike anything you’ve seen before. The charming and minimalist presentation combines with immense creative difficulty to make something that will blow your mind, if it hasn’t melted it in confusion first.
  15. Jun 23, 2019
    I feel that the developers and designers are making a strange effort to make the solutions for Baba is You even more perplexing, and possibly less accessible to players.
  16. May 24, 2019
    Baba Is You is like a compilation of gift shop brain teasers; they’re not for everyone, but some people can’t get enough of them. And while it may sound like just another sketchy smartphone game, it’s surprisingly one of the most unique puzzlers you can find on the Switch and the way in which it encourages you to break its rules and create your own ones is refreshing and unique. Its sudden difficulty spike and lack of a hint system could easily discourage some from continuing, but if you enjoy a good brain teasing, you could easily spend hours getting lost within Baba’s puzzles. Just make sure to take a break or two, or you may forget which Baba is you.
  17. Apr 11, 2019
    The concept behind Baba is You is incredibly fascinating and can give you captivating puzzles. Unfortunately there is almost no motivating incentive to face the challenges.
  18. 80
    Baba Is You is clever. Very, very clever. Cleverer than me, possibly cleverer than you as well. This isn’t a puzzle game for everyone. But for those with a logical mind, endless patience and thirst for a genuine challenge, it’s essential.
  19. 80
    Baba Is You has a cutesy exterior that serves only to fool you into thinking it won't be the most difficult puzzle game you've ever played.
  20. Mar 13, 2019
    Baba is You is a delightful puzzle game filled with absurd solutions and situations, asking players to discard what they think they know about games to solve them.
  21. Apr 5, 2019
    Rules are made to be broken, and that’s never been more true that with Baba is You, I just wish they had made it a bit more fun.
  22. Apr 1, 2019
    Baba is You offers up one brainteaser after another and that is simply not for everyone. We wish this game had a hint system, cause staring at the same thing for hours can be dreadful.
  23. Mar 25, 2019
    Baba is You makes you feel brilliant as you transform the properties of each puzzle to get the win in the early game – but then things get complicated.
  24. Mar 24, 2019
    Baba is You is among the most seriously arduous games of its kind I’ve played, and when its rules are clear and its instructions legible, it’s gratifying in a way only hardcore suffering can be.
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  1. Mar 15, 2019
    Sokoban and coding collide in this clever puzzler. [Eurogamer Recommended]
  2. Mar 13, 2019
    In a moment where so many games demand all of my time, a game that excels in the time it’s not being played feels audacious. [Polygon Recommends]
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 85 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 68 out of 85
  2. Negative: 14 out of 85
  1. Mar 27, 2019
    Baba Is You is a fantastic experience for fans of the Problem-Solving Puzzle Genre. Buyer beware, however, that the game knows its niche andBaba Is You is a fantastic experience for fans of the Problem-Solving Puzzle Genre. Buyer beware, however, that the game knows its niche and sticks extremely closely to it. Those who go in with the craving of maddeningly brain-busting puzzles will have something to satiate them for quite some time. Those who do not will find nothing of value here. For those interested by this premise, I would encourage to play the game, going in knowing as little else as possible, as a puzzle experience is easily compromised by spoilers. For anyone else, I share my thoughts about this experience.

    Let me start by saying that Baba is You is a game that is not afraid to go all-in for its niche audience -- a bold decision that I have nothing but respect for. The game wastes no time selling its premise, and defining what kind of experience it is going to be. It goes through its core concepts and removes the training wheels within less than an hour. Then, it keeps things fresh by introducing new rules and mechanics within those rules to learn and master. Puzzles are presented as single-screen levels, all of which can take less than a minute to execute, but most have the potential leave the player stumped for upwards of an hour.

    Puzzles themselves are designed with a mentality of problem-solving in mind. The player is encouraged to experiment, iterate and approach things scientifically. The more the player discovers about how the rules work and interact with each others, the more likely they will be to figure how to solve a puzzle quickly. Noteworthy, however, is that most puzzles aren't so strict as to have one, concrete-bound solution. This is especially true early on, and even results in each player approaching the midgame with entirely different cognitive toolkits. No two player is bound to have the same experience with the game -- something uncommon for a puzzle game, but nevertheless a welcome trend in the problem-solving subgenre.

    The graphics may seem amateurish and questionable, but to me there is no doubt that the Lo-Fi aesthetic is a perfect fit for such a game. Every token on the puzzle grid are represented in their simplest possible form - a shape, and a color. This makes levels easy to parse, regardless of how many things are moving, transforming, and happening. Had it not been this way, it would have been easy for it to cause an over-saturation of information that would distract from the challenge. The music also employs this minimalist philosophy, with each track using a small set of instruments. The compositions are quite brilliant and enchanting, but more importantly, they are easy on the ears and can be listened to for hours.

    Baba is You isn't a game for everyone -- far from it. But if you have a puzzle game itch to scratch, then this game is one I can recommend with all my heart.
    Full Review »
  2. Mar 18, 2019
    Brilliant game that really challenges your preconceptions about puzzle games.
  3. Mar 18, 2019
    Baba is you is an incredible puzzle-game. Must have for lovers of this kind of games.