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Cytus Alpha for Switch Reviews - Metacritic
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Generally favorable reviews - based on 7 Critic Reviews What's this?

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Generally favorable reviews- based on 10 Ratings

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  • Summary: Cytus Alpha is the evolutionary version of the popular mobile game, Cytus. The Switch version features new visuals and over 200 songs, including newly written songs and collaboration tracks. A new leaderboard mode is added where players can post scores against other players online.
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Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 7
  2. Negative: 0 out of 7
  1. 90
    Cytus Alpha is one of the finest playing rhythm games you'll ever come across. It's abstract, minimalist and focused, but it delivers such vibrant rhythm game action that it's impossible not to love.
  2. Jul 16, 2019
    As music rhythm games go, Cytus Alpha is up there with the best of them.
  3. May 1, 2019
    The only real flaw with this port is the menus are confusing. If you’ve never played Cytus before, you might struggle to figure out how to quickly get into a song but you will get used to it. It is chock full of great music and a damn fine rhythm game on the Switch. If you skipped the mobile release a while ago, there has never been a better time to get into Cytus than now with Cytus Alpha. It even has a gorgeous icon.
  4. Jun 28, 2019
    While the Nintendo Switch version of rhythm game Cytus could have had more additional content, it has been cleverly customized for the system. With many tracks from a wide arrange of artists, Cytus a is a game that is definitely worth its budget price.
  5. Apr 28, 2019
    Cytus αあるふぁ is a wonderful take on the rhythm genre with a note layout which is really nicely suited to Nintendo Switch. Tapping and sliding your way around the handheld’s touchscreen is an absolute delight when you’re in full flow, and should more and more players start to fill up the online lobby, this could easily be considered one of the best rhythm games on the platform. The full retail asking price is a little hard to swallow when put in direct comparison to other, similar titles, but the quality is there if you don’t mind taking a harder hit to the wallet.
  6. May 24, 2019
    Cytus αあるふぁ is the definitive version of a great rhythm game; however, its gameplay lacks the precision of other Rayark games. This title is recommended for those that already player Rayark’s other titles and want even more content from them.
  7. Jul 19, 2019
    The simple gameplay and visual design, extensive song variety, and immense challenge should satisfy the needs of anyone wanting some musical tapping on Switch. It’s really only let down by shockingly inconsistent difficulty, empty player base, and an immensely baffling tutorial system. This all being said, if you aren’t into the genre, it’s really hard to recommend Cytus αあるふぁ as it doesn’t hold anything outside that framework.
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 5
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 5
  3. Negative: 0 out of 5
  1. May 14, 2019
    My ultimate rhythm games were Osu! Tatakae! Oendan!, Moero Nekettsu and the english spin off Elite Beat Agents. Cytus Alpha doesn't have theMy ultimate rhythm games were Osu! Tatakae! Oendan!, Moero Nekettsu and the english spin off Elite Beat Agents. Cytus Alpha doesn't have the humorous cartoony scenes of those titles (or like how you can unlock costumes!) but it is darn near close to bringing the same joys of a thrilling and challenging rhythm game.

    If you can stomach insanely catchy J-Pop, EDM and J-Rock : look no further. To me the music catalog of 200 songs are just unbelievably good that in just a short while you will lose track of the good songs you want to go back to because the list just keeps growing.
  2. Jun 21, 2019
    Cytus Alpha is a very nice rhythm game. The music selection (composed by Asian musicians) is great, It includes songs from the original CytusCytus Alpha is a very nice rhythm game. The music selection (composed by Asian musicians) is great, It includes songs from the original Cytus from 2012 among new released songs (alt. versions too).
    You can use the controller to play (button controls are nice, they gives you the perk to see every note on the screen because your hands don't cover anything), but the gameplay is best suited to be played with touch. Performance-wise it runs extremely well: the game loads pretty fast and does not drain too much battery. I did not feel input delays.
    There is an online matchmaking up to 3 players. If two or all players get a MM (full combo with 100% perfect timing), no one lose, pretty neat. But here comes the bad thing...

    One weak point of Cytus Alpha is the matchmaking for the online encounter: with only 25 sec of countdown before the game automatically begins it's unlikely that I find other opponents, so I have to manually cancel the matchmaking 5 sec before and start a new one. It's also hard to play a match 3vs3.
    Despite this issue, I would still play Cytus because gameplay and songs are great.

    If you enjoy rhythm games and pop, trance or DnB music with Asian influences, I recommend you to buy this game.
  3. Jun 1, 2019
    Cytus Alpha est un jeu de rythme musical très pointu. Les fans du genre y trouveront un jeu très généreux, exigeant, au gameplay très précis.Cytus Alpha est un jeu de rythme musical très pointu. Les fans du genre y trouveront un jeu très généreux, exigeant, au gameplay très précis. Les plus de 200 morceaux de musique électronique et vocaloïds vous donneront beaucoup de sueurs froides, même en facile. Si vous êtes ouvert au concept, le jeu peut devenir très addictif et vous occuper pendant des dizaines d’heures grâce à son mode story étonnant et à son mode multijoueurs quasi infini. Au même titre qu’Hatsune Miku, Cytus Alpha devient une nouvelle référence du jeu de rythme musical. Expand
  4. Mar 9, 2020
    My first timeplaying Cytus. The gameplay is outstanding and the visual presentation is strong. However, there is a shocking lack of house,My first timeplaying Cytus. The gameplay is outstanding and the visual presentation is strong. However, there is a shocking lack of house, dubstep and techno music which seems the most fitting for the gameplay style. A little dissapointing. Expand
  5. Feb 8, 2020
    Beautiful eye candy. Much preferred to the original. Unfortunately, nobody uses the multiplayer mode.