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Ikaruga for Switch Reviews - Metacritic
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Generally favorable reviews - based on 25 Critic Reviews What's this?

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Generally favorable reviews- based on 58 Ratings

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  • Summary: A rebel pilot named Shinra must battle an enemy nation using a specially-designed fighter called the Ikaruga, which can switch between two energy polarities (black or white) at the touch of a button. Bullets that are the same color as Shinra's ship can be absorbed, while the opposite colorA rebel pilot named Shinra must battle an enemy nation using a specially-designed fighter called the Ikaruga, which can switch between two energy polarities (black or white) at the touch of a button. Bullets that are the same color as Shinra's ship can be absorbed, while the opposite color will do damage - this polarity-switching mechanic is the game's core feature and the foundation for its stage and enemy design. It's now up to Shinra makes his final stand, as the Ikaruga might be the rebel federation's last chance to defeat the oppressive Horai regime. Expand


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Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 23 out of 25
  2. Negative: 0 out of 25
  1. Jun 11, 2018
    In the last fifteen years, I’ve purchased this game four times, and happily agreed to acquire it again for a fifth. Find me another game that can still fill me with sheer elation after conquering it for the fifteenth time, and I’ll tell you that it’s not possible because one doesn’t exist. Ikaruga is a flagship title that’s been cherished for nearly two decades, and will continue to be relevant for many, many more. There’s no better way to spend money in the e-Shop.
  2. May 25, 2018
    Being able to easily bust out the Joy-Con controllers for co-op and flip the system on its side for a vertical screen orientation is the real deal. Ikaruga is a timeless classic, and for those of us without a swiveling monitor, the Switch is just about the ideal way to experience it.
  3. 90
    If you're a Switch owner with a penchant for arcade games or shoot-em-ups, this is an easy recommendation. Just be sure to put on your learning pants if you're a newcomer: Ikaruga is a difficult beast to wrangle.
  4. May 27, 2018
    Not just a cult-classic, but a classic full-stop.
  5. 90
    While the latest package of Ikaruga isn’t quite the grand celebration it should be for a classic title, Treasure’s shooter has aged fantastically well. The puzzle-like shooting is just as thrilling and demanding as it was back in 2002, and it’s sure to challenge any fan of shooters. Ikaruga’s themes of polarity help it stand out from the bullet hell crowd, and make it one of the finest shoot ‘em ups that can be purchased on Switch.
  6. Jun 1, 2018
    Ikaruga remains a treasure in the shoot ‘em up genre due to its tight gameplay, challenge, and overall design. While the game continues to stifle me at multiple points, its smart design and ease of entry keep me coming back for more punishment.
  7. May 25, 2018
    At the end of the day, if you've not played Ikaruga before and you love a good shooter, you'd be doing yourself a disservice missing out on its latest release.

See all 26 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
  1. May 30, 2018
    Um ótimo porte do antigo jogo, está tudo melhor, os controles são incríveis, e os gráficos melhoraram muito, recomendo para nostalgia.
  2. May 29, 2018
    Bullet heaven in bullet hell. The classic Dreamcast and Arcade title Ikaruga is now on Switch with brilliantly smooth gameplay, updated HDBullet heaven in bullet hell. The classic Dreamcast and Arcade title Ikaruga is now on Switch with brilliantly smooth gameplay, updated HD graphics, ridiculous difficulty and the added bonus of being able to play it co-op with the joy cons add to that the portability of the Switch and the glorious ability to utilise handheld or table top mode to enjoy the game in its original 'vertical' aspect ratio and you can relive the glory days of the arcade pretty much in your pocket. The game is short but sweet, hard yet fair and is a welcome addition to the Switch. Expand
  3. Jun 3, 2018
    It's a incredibly good port of an already great game!
    It's a beautiful experience with refined graphics, and it's totally worth buying.
  4. Jun 26, 2018
    It is a little difficult for me, but it is a good classic shooting game. *Vertical mode is supported.
  5. May 29, 2018
    It's Ikaruga on the Switch. So far, the port seems flawless. The game looks really crisp on the Switch, but in handheld mode with the defaultIt's Ikaruga on the Switch. So far, the port seems flawless. The game looks really crisp on the Switch, but in handheld mode with the default settings, the size of the game screen is pretty small (as expected). To get a bigger picture, it is possible to rotate the screen and hold the Switch vertically, but you won't be able to use the buttons on the left joycon for shooting, only on the right joycon (unless you detach the left joycon, of course). Not a big problem since you can also use the right stick for movement. Also, rotating the HUD will also rotate the controls. This means that if you decide to hold the Switch vertically, the HUD won't be easily readable. Kind of an oversight from the devs, but no big deal, it's still perfectly playable. Double Play (for which there are control settings, too) is probably a different story, but I have no plans to ever even attempt that.

    Alternatively, you can also play it as a horizontal shooter or detach a joycon and find something to prop up the Switch vertically. No problems there. If you have a monitor that can be rotated into a vertical position, that works too.
  6. Jun 7, 2018
    The switch has become a dumping ground for ports. This is just another port with a few very small small bells and whistles. If you don't ownThe switch has become a dumping ground for ports. This is just another port with a few very small small bells and whistles. If you don't own it and enjoy challenging shmups pick it up, if you already own it then it's not really worth the double dip. Expand
  7. Jun 21, 2018
    This is probably on the top of my list of the most overrated games of all time. It definitely isn't bad, but it definitely isn't this amazingThis is probably on the top of my list of the most overrated games of all time. It definitely isn't bad, but it definitely isn't this amazing incredible game that it's fans make it out to be. It is just a shoot-em-up, and definitely not my favorite in the genre. The game is tough but it isn't this masterful thing that some people make it out to be. To be honest it is just a remarkably average game considering the amount of praise it gets, which is why I gave it the most average of average scores. Expand

See all 9 User Reviews