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User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 44 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 38 out of 44
  2. Negative: 1 out of 44

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  1. Jul 1, 2018
    This has to be my favorite way to play yet. Now the story is short being 3-4 hours, but the experience you get is some of the best on switch. I have played this game on IOS, XBOX 360, and WINDOWS 10 but this is the best one yet! The controls are great, the way they display it is something to be framed, and the ending leaves you questioning and theorizing. This is a must have for SwitchThis has to be my favorite way to play yet. Now the story is short being 3-4 hours, but the experience you get is some of the best on switch. I have played this game on IOS, XBOX 360, and WINDOWS 10 but this is the best one yet! The controls are great, the way they display it is something to be framed, and the ending leaves you questioning and theorizing. This is a must have for Switch owners!

    Controls: 10
    Style: 10
    Music: (None (But none needed))
    Ending: 10
    Overall : 10
  2. Jul 3, 2018
    If you like solving puzzle in a 2d game, then Limbo is the game for you. the environment is this game is something special. I played it on Xbox one and loved it . with switch you can bring this game anywhere you want to. when you done with this 6-8 hours game, try to complete it without dying !
  3. Nov 12, 2018
    Limbo is minimalistic in its design, offers limited guidance and is shrouded in an unnerving sense of dread and mystery. You are dropped into a forest playing a young boy who seemingly must escape or progress through the unwinding labyrinth before you.

    The sound design is fantastic with audio cues sometimes the only thing giving you a hint to what lies ahead and the aesthetic is
    Limbo is minimalistic in its design, offers limited guidance and is shrouded in an unnerving sense of dread and mystery. You are dropped into a forest playing a young boy who seemingly must escape or progress through the unwinding labyrinth before you.

    The sound design is fantastic with audio cues sometimes the only thing giving you a hint to what lies ahead and the aesthetic is suitably gloomy and foreboding. The gameplay mechanics are simple, intuitive and don't outstay their welcome in this short but worthwhile adventure.

    Even though this is a short game, it is often challenging and occasionally left me stumped as to how to progress. If you are after a short game with fantastic art and a bleak horror setting to take on the go this is for you. I can't wait to sink my teeth into the teams follow up 'Inside' which is next on my hit list.
  4. Aug 16, 2019
    Will there ever be another game like Limbo? This game proves that you can build something that is both a proper playable game (complete with physics puzzles that are brilliant in their economy) and a piece of art.

    With another art direction, Limbo would be a pleasant, but ultimately irrelevant puzzle-platformer. Instead, its creepy, subtly unnerving style makes it an experience you
    Will there ever be another game like Limbo? This game proves that you can build something that is both a proper playable game (complete with physics puzzles that are brilliant in their economy) and a piece of art.

    With another art direction, Limbo would be a pleasant, but ultimately irrelevant puzzle-platformer. Instead, its creepy, subtly unnerving style makes it an experience you won't forget. Other games tried to pad simple gameplay with gorgeous art: Gris comes to mind. They all lack something. In the case of Gris, its gameplay is a tad too simplistic and repetitive. In the case of other games, the art not quite up there. Limbo does it right on both counts.

    Disclaimer: Limbo is short. If you're one of those gamers who like getting lost in a long experience, you might be disappointed. My first playthrough of Limbo, with a friend, started after a late dinner. When we finished the game, stunned and fascinated, it was light outside. But those few hours have been hard to forget, and I had to relive them by playing through the game again on the Switch.
  5. Nov 3, 2018
    A horror puzzle platformer with a beautiful atmospheric style. Limbo is memorable and every progression is rewarding and delightful. When you're not engrossed in figuring out the puzzle you'll find yourself admiring the attention to detail and the way the minimalistic aesthetics feel rich and realistic.

    The only drawback is that sometimes it was difficult to distinguish interactive
    A horror puzzle platformer with a beautiful atmospheric style. Limbo is memorable and every progression is rewarding and delightful. When you're not engrossed in figuring out the puzzle you'll find yourself admiring the attention to detail and the way the minimalistic aesthetics feel rich and realistic.

    The only drawback is that sometimes it was difficult to distinguish interactive elements from the world. Eventually you learn to try everything but I found myself baffled only to realize I could interact with an item I had been dying next to repeatedly.
  6. Dec 19, 2018
    The game is absolutely brilliant and the playability is perfect. The feeling of progress is incredible.
    The unic problem is the duration, it last 6h. The playhablity and the mechanics could offer 6 hour more.
  7. Sep 19, 2019
    The game is well designed. It provides a lot of fun. It is definitely an example of how games should be created. The only drawback for me is its length, the game is too short for me.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 27 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 20 out of 27
  2. Negative: 0 out of 27
  1. NF Magazine
    Sep 5, 2018
    Odds are you've already experienced it for yourself in the past eight years, but just in case you haven't, it might be worth a shot. [Issue #35 – September/October 2018, p. 21]
  2. Aug 21, 2018
    Despite the short length it's easy to recommend LIMBO to anyone who enjoys puzzle games, especially given the way the game expertly crafts a foreboding atmosphere with a minimum of graphics and sounds. If you played the game when it was originally released, you'll find that it has aged well and is still wholly capable of sucking you back in the way it did when you first played it. If you're new to LIMBO, then it's about time you played this classic indie game.
  3. Aug 17, 2018
    For all the time that has passed, Limbo remains a benchmark of the genre that few other games have come within sniffing distance of. It’s nearly unparalleled in terms of presentation and design, and this latest port to Switch has maintained everything about the game that makes it special. While some might lament the lack of any additional content, I wholeheartedly beg to differ. Limbo is a game that doesn’t need a single bit added, removed, or rearranged. It’s a classic in every sense and deserves to be played by as many people as possible.