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Read User Reviews and Submit your own for Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime on Switch - Metacritic
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User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 47 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 34 out of 47
  2. Negative: 5 out of 47

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  1. Nov 8, 2017
    I love this game. I've had such a blast playing with so many different people. Beaten it 10+ times now, and It never gets old. I love the chaos during multiplayer. It's a total blast with everyone shouting orders and shouts of excitement. The art style is amazing and the music fits right in with the levels. This is my favorite co-op game on the switch and if you have 4 joycons and friendsI love this game. I've had such a blast playing with so many different people. Beaten it 10+ times now, and It never gets old. I love the chaos during multiplayer. It's a total blast with everyone shouting orders and shouts of excitement. The art style is amazing and the music fits right in with the levels. This is my favorite co-op game on the switch and if you have 4 joycons and friends to play with, this is totally worth your $15. Expand
  2. Oct 8, 2017
    CoOp is a total riot. Managed to "upgrade" my missus from the menial task of manning the shield to become an adroit gunner. We're both in our late 40s and with our teen boys - the game has been nothing short of crazy fun. If you didnt' figure out the first time, to play CoOp you must press the top 2 buttons of each SEPARATED JoyCon. Shoulder buttons are only when you want to play singleCoOp is a total riot. Managed to "upgrade" my missus from the menial task of manning the shield to become an adroit gunner. We're both in our late 40s and with our teen boys - the game has been nothing short of crazy fun. If you didnt' figure out the first time, to play CoOp you must press the top 2 buttons of each SEPARATED JoyCon. Shoulder buttons are only when you want to play single mode or 2 player mode with 2 controllers. To play 4 players with 2 controllers - separate the joycons and press the top L R buttons of each joycon. Expand
  3. Feb 1, 2018
    A simple multi player game, but so much fun. The only downside was how short it is, but was impressed but the challenging bosses at the end of each campaign.
  4. Jan 4, 2018
    Hello, I would just like to say that I never played this game but based off the trailer it looked pretty so I give it a good rate. Thank you for your consideration. ;)
  5. Aug 12, 2018
    I'm always looking for good couch multiplayer games - after all that's what the Nintendo Switch is really good at! So I bought this game on a punt as I love the idea of a multiplayer-manned spaceship! And boy I didn't regret it. I got my 3 children to play with me (2 of them teens), and we really enjoyed it! The graphics were soft-psychedelic, the gameplay was fun with each of us doingI'm always looking for good couch multiplayer games - after all that's what the Nintendo Switch is really good at! So I bought this game on a punt as I love the idea of a multiplayer-manned spaceship! And boy I didn't regret it. I got my 3 children to play with me (2 of them teens), and we really enjoyed it! The graphics were soft-psychedelic, the gameplay was fun with each of us doing different functions that we were good at (man shields, 4 cannons, thruster, mega gun, etc.). The weapon upgrades were fun to experiment with. The levels were just right for relatively short bursts of playing, meaning, we play it more often! Such a cool concept. Love it. Expand
  6. Oct 27, 2017
    Just by looking at images of this game I knew I would like it. I love the cartoony graphic style of the game. The gameplay is so fun even with just one player. There is so much variety in the levels that I have played too. It has so many unique and fun mechanics. Its such a charming game with great gameplay. This is an overall great game.
  7. Oct 23, 2017
    A perfect fit on the switch and may be the best co-op experience on it. I think more switch owners need to check this game out. Gameplay, music, are great. The only downside I can think of is the game length. Enabling co-op mode is a bit tricky since you have to input some button commands to start it.
  8. Oct 12, 2017
    This is perhaps the most fun multiplayer game on the Switch. I've introduced the game to 10 people now and everyone had an absolute blast. Single player is good, but not nearly as enjoyable as multiplayer. At only $15 there's no reason not to own this game
  9. Aug 6, 2018
    I always play coop games with my 7yo step daughter and this is by far the best in category. With 4 players it's an absolute blast with everyone screaming and laughing. We play in "beginner mode" that is just perfect for her age, but the game can get really tuff in regular settings.
  10. May 25, 2020
    While great in multiplayer, there is no fun in the single player mode.

    Working with the computer is not intuitive at all.
  11. Nov 14, 2019
    Hands down the most fun I've had in a long time. Grab up to 3 friends and fly your spaceship together. Don't let your friend with a driving record to fly though...

    Upgrades are fun in this game, combining elements to make new combos for guns, shields and engines etc. It is so fun. Deciding when to hop from one turret to another or if you can ditch the shield for a while for more fire
    Hands down the most fun I've had in a long time. Grab up to 3 friends and fly your spaceship together. Don't let your friend with a driving record to fly though...

    Upgrades are fun in this game, combining elements to make new combos for guns, shields and engines etc. It is so fun. Deciding when to hop from one turret to another or if you can ditch the shield for a while for more fire power, so much team work. Unlike other games to play with friends it is nice to work together instead of compete like in other party games like mario party or your favorite racing game.

    The looks of the game are admittedly simple, but with any more complexity I imagine it would become very hard to make it clear to players where enemies begin, and the backgrounds end.

    The cutsey theme may make some uncomfortable, but at the heart of it, the game is super fun, and hits all my checkmarks.

    Another good point is that this is probably one of the only games where using a single joycon actually doesn't feel like I'm hindering myself. So it is good for you budget gamers who want to entertain your friends without breaking the bank for 4 pro controllers.

    I highly suggest this game be in everyone's library. You never know when you might be in a place where you and some friends are bored. Just pop out the switch and boot up Lovers.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
  1. Oct 8, 2018
    Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime is another enjoyable and unique experience added for the Switch's already swollen library. It's a little short, with only four campaigns, but it's a great title to whip out with friends - sitting around the console, or on the big screen, yelling out orders to each other. Good old, couch co-op fun. Being a Super Rare Games production, this also comes with a few special little extras; the usual trading cards, and stickers. It's a nice little extra on top of the opportunity to get a physical copy of a usually digital only product.
  2. Nov 7, 2017
    Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime starts from an unusual plot and goes on to become a remarkable game on the Nintendo Switch catalog. Thanks to its fun and polished gameplay and to an experience that can be thoroughly enjoyed whether on multiplayer or by a single player, this is something that can grow on any player and warm up their hearts to the gameplay.
  3. Nov 1, 2017
    Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime may be procedurally generated but what it lacks in well-designed locales it more than makes up for with well thought out combat and exploration mechanics. Whether you’re playing by yourself or with a group of people, you’re bound to enjoy the hectic and fast-paced scenarios that Lovers has to offer. Just know that there’s definitely more fun to be had with a group than playing solo.