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Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[cl-r] for Switch Reviews - Metacritic
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Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[cl-r] Image

Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews What's this?

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Generally favorable reviews- based on 29 Ratings

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  • Summary: Cold friends & New under night In-Birth exe: late[cl-r] introduces a brand new character-icyy Fighter londrekia and his frosty new set of moves. Balancing act the new game features new moves and balance adjustments to every character-totalingg roughly 1, 000 improvements.
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    Cold friends & New under night In-Birth exe: late[cl-r] introduces a brand new character-icyy Fighter londrekia and his frosty new set of moves. Balancing act the new game features new moves and balance adjustments to every character-totalingg roughly 1, 000 improvements.
    Show your true colors each character will receive five new Color schemes (for a total of 40 new Color schemes), so players can customize their fighters to suit their every Mood.
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Under Night In-Birth Exe:[cl-r] - Launch Trailer
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
  1. Mar 8, 2020
    Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late is a super slick, fast-paced fighter that manages to successfully straddle the line between being instantly accessible and welcoming for newcomers and in-depth enough to satisfy hardcore fight fans. Its line-up of twenty-one fighters are much more exciting than their anime stylings may suggest, and the Chronicles mode gives fans of the visual novel element of the game plenty to sink their teeth into. With the most comprehensive training and tutorial modes we've ever encountered in a fighting game, this is easily one of the most well-rounded, satisfying and instantly engaging brawlers on Switch and – even with an online mode which seems to be in need of some attention – there's plenty for fans of the genre to sink their teeth into here.
  2. Mar 5, 2020
    Online flaws aside, Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[cl-r] is comfortably one of the best looking and fun to play fighters for the system. Very little is compromised when compared to the PS4 version, and it feels at home in your hand, and stands up a treat when docked. It richly deserves the EVO recognition, and for fans of the genre is an essential Switch buy.
  3. 85
    Despite its disappointing online issues, Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[cl-r] is one of the most impressive fighting games I’ve ever played. It’s oozing with style, it’s shockingly accessible, and the back-and-forth exchanges prompted by the Grind Grid system make for non-stop excitement in every match. There’s even a fifteen hour visual novel experience in the Chronicles mode that helps flesh out the world and characters of Under Night In-Birth, though personally I think I’m more afraid of understanding all the insane proper nouns in the plot summary than I am excited. This was a worthy addition to both the EVO lineup and the Switch lineup, and there’s nothing I want more now than to see the game finally reach the mainstream success it deserves.
  4. Feb 20, 2020
    Under Night In-Birth Exe: Late [cl-r] is undoubtedly a great 2D fighting game, much deeper than it seems. All its new content, together with its game modes, its amount of fun and its online mode make it a very interesting title.
  5. May 5, 2020
    Overall, Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late [cl-r] is a great fighting game with a verbose and tiresome visual novel added in. The combat is enjoyable, there’s tons to unlock, and there are numerous characters to master. Some of the chatter might be a chore to get through, but getting to the meat on these bones is worth the effort.
  6. Mar 25, 2020
    This fighting game bears all the markings of a high quality effort, including a wide cast of characters, a marvelous combo system and an exquisite audiovisual environment. While the game's plot and the way it is presented are nothing to write home about and it can get frustrating at times, this is a fantastic addition to the Nintendo Switch catalogue when it comes to competitive fighting games.
  7. Feb 27, 2020
    Stylish, methodical, and encouraging attacking gameplay, this latest Under Night In-Birth title is as exciting as always, and Switch owners that have yet to try the series out are in for a treat, with plenty of modes, a lengthy visual novel chronicle, online play, and a varied cast of characters. Despite the array of balance and move tweaks, though, this just isn't enough of an improvement over the previous title, with only one extra character being introduced. That said, this is still a top anime fighter, and a good alternative to BlazBlue.

See all 10 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 1 out of 2
  2. Negative: 0 out of 2
  1. Mar 29, 2020
    With the expansion of [cl-r] added to Under Night, I can say that this will be a game I'll be playing for a long while to improve and have aWith the expansion of [cl-r] added to Under Night, I can say that this will be a game I'll be playing for a long while to improve and have a generally good time with. The tutorial's great and provides insight to players that have never played a fighting game before while introducing it's own unique ideas into the learning exercises. What starts off as complex becomes more and more enjoyable with mastery. Expand
  2. Mar 2, 2020
    My french review below:
    You can Follow me on Twitter : @NintendoLegacy1
    UNDER NIGHT IN-BIRTH EXE:LATE [CL-R] continue d’améliorer sa
    My french review below:
    You can Follow me on Twitter : @NintendoLegacy1

    UNDER NIGHT IN-BIRTH EXE:LATE [CL-R] continue d’améliorer sa recette avec cette troisième version (définitive?) en ajoutant un personnage inédit au roster plutôt varié d’Under Night et en rééquilibrant le gameplay de son jeu. Cette version 2020 d’Under Night reste toutefois un petit peu en retrait en comparaison de ses deux principaux concurrents : Guilty Gear et Blazblue. Techniquement, Under Night est très plaisant avec une direction artistique et un chara-design vraiment réussi. La Switch commence a avoir un catalogue de jeux de combat plutôt varié avec les ténors du genre (Dragon Ball Fighter Z, Street Fighter 30th Anniversary, Mortal Kombat 11 etc…) mais si vous êtes amateur de Versus Fighting, Under Night aura des arguments à faire valoir et pourra vous charmer.