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Battletoads for PC Reviews - Metacritic
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Battletoads Image

Mixed or average reviews - based on 19 Critic Reviews What's this?

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Mixed or average reviews- based on 150 Ratings

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  • Summary: The Battletoads are Back. Rash, Zitz and Pimple are returning at last to Morph Attack their way through an all-new action-packed adventure of choreographed chaos, and couch co-op may never be the same again. 1-3 players take control of the Battletoads and team up to storm through wild andThe Battletoads are Back. Rash, Zitz and Pimple are returning at last to Morph Attack their way through an all-new action-packed adventure of choreographed chaos, and couch co-op may never be the same again. 1-3 players take control of the Battletoads and team up to storm through wild and unpredictable stages with only one rule expect the unexpected. Teamwork makes the dream work in a drop-in, drop-out gameplay blast, filled with over-the-top combat that anyone can enjoy, but only a True 'Toad can master. With a unique hand-animated cartoon style and packed with memorable characters and locations, the Battletoads are back for a larger-than-life brawl across the universe that promises to be fun alone, and unforgettable together. Expand


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Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 19
  2. Negative: 1 out of 19
  1. Aug 19, 2020
    Dlala delivers a rollercoaster ride of chaos, adventure and challenge that lives up to the Battletoads name.
  2. Aug 19, 2020
    The new Battletoads is almost as beefy as its musclebound heroes, serving up a substantial 5-to-7-hour campaign as well as additional collectibles and high-score challenges. Not bad for $20. Battletoads 2020 probably won’t be quite as durable as the NES original, but you may find yourself hopping back into the game more often than you expect.
  3. Aug 20, 2020
    The greatest success of Battletoads is to have understood what it means to revive a franchise like this, which dates back so long: each of the elements were reviewed, polished and recreated with a lot of heart, encouraging new and unknown ideas, always faithful to the original game.
  4. Aug 19, 2020
    Battletoads is pretty much uneven by intentional design, but it remains recommended as a worthy throwback to a seemingly forgotten series that still marches to the beat of its own drum.
  5. Sep 8, 2020
    I suspect that fans of the original will find a good dose of nostalgia here that may well make it worth the price of admission. For everyone else… well, if you grew up in the 80’s and 90’s you might get a touch of nostalgia as well, unless you were more a Turtles fan like me, in which case this will simply continue making the Battletoads look like also-rans.
  6. Aug 20, 2020
    Most of the game's foundation is solid. The beat-'em-up combat, the art, and a lot of secondary gameplay is surprising and fun. Though its blend of gameplay variations feels unbalanced at times, and it isn't always the laugh-riot it tries to be, Battletoads is an entertaining little romp.
  7. Edge Magazine
    Sep 10, 2020
    Whatever its merits as a brawler, it's safe to say that in years to come no one will be ringing up game shops to preorder this one. [Issue#350, p.104]

See all 19 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 22 out of 59
  2. Negative: 31 out of 59
  1. Aug 26, 2020
    Jogo excelente, jogabilidade de fácil domínio, um dos jogos mais divertidos da geração, lembra bem os Battletoads antigos com algumasJogo excelente, jogabilidade de fácil domínio, um dos jogos mais divertidos da geração, lembra bem os Battletoads antigos com algumas mecânicas novas, gameplay bem variado, gráficos lindos, quem não gostou é porque não jogou realmente ou não curte a franquia, nota 10 Battletoads! Expand
  2. Aug 21, 2020
    Pretty funny and entertaining. Definitely not the same as previous game, but imo there is nothing wrong with it. Players need to be loosen upPretty funny and entertaining. Definitely not the same as previous game, but imo there is nothing wrong with it. Players need to be loosen up because the negativity around it is just ridiculous. Expand
  3. Aug 22, 2020
    You Dyin' a lot?! It is Battletoads! not a plain and straight beat'm up?! It is Battletoads! Nice and smooth graphics with some modern contextYou Dyin' a lot?! It is Battletoads! not a plain and straight beat'm up?! It is Battletoads! Nice and smooth graphics with some modern context (Except for the Dark Queen, oh God how i miss the old one), tight and responsive controls, plenty of achievements, some humor (Yes, since Space Toads are a so sensitive and serious theme we can't accept some humor on it, right?!). The franchiseleft aside the gloomy and dark atmosphere from the past and now it is coloured and bright, another concept, both good. If you are a fan and you are not a nostalgic (Even if you did not played the previous instalments since you were not born that time) pain in the ♥♥♥, you will probably like this one and you will enjoyed with your kids and wife and family. Highly recommend for the franchise fans and newcomers, mainly if you are a Ricky and Morty fan(Ryan Ridley wrote this one here).

    PS: The soundtrack is KILLER ! ! ! ! !
  4. Aug 25, 2020
    В этой игре более менее нормальные только жабы и их разная боëвка, все остальное реально мусор. Старые игры были крутенским боевиком, а этоВ этой игре более менее нормальные только жабы и их разная боëвка, все остальное реально мусор. Старые игры были крутенским боевиком, а это посредственный мульт с дешёвым юмором. Expand
  5. Aug 31, 2020
    El juego empezó bien pero luego empiezan los mini juegos estúpidos, aburridos y obligatorios... No pierdas tu tiempo y tu dinero.
  6. Aug 24, 2020
    Só digo que nao vale a pena, muita gente reclamando do jogo que não traz nada.
  7. Aug 22, 2020
    This trash parasitizes on a famous name. All aspects are bad, this cheap crap made just to fill Game Pass.

See all 59 User Reviews

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