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Gears Tactics for PC Reviews - Metacritic
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Generally favorable reviews - based on 92 Critic Reviews What's this?

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Generally favorable reviews- based on 396 Ratings

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  • Summary: Gears Tactics is the fast-paced, turn-based strategy game from one of the most-acclaimed video game franchises – Gears of War. Outnumbered and fighting for survival, recruit and command your squad to hunt down an evil mastermind who makes monsters.


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Gears Tactics - 7 Crucial Tips To Keep Your Units Alive
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 81 out of 92
  2. Negative: 0 out of 92
  1. Apr 27, 2020
    Gears Tactics is big and brash at times, but it’s also deep, intelligent and balanced, with all the heart and passion we’ve come to expect from a Gears game.
  2. Apr 27, 2020
    Though not without flaws, Gears Tactics meets and exceeds expectations. Fluid and fast-paced action, along with tactical decisions, will keep you on the move. Meanwhile, brutal firefights and executions, as well as battles against massive bosses, punctuate a Gears of War experience for an entirely different genre.
  3. Apr 27, 2020
    Gears Tactics is a solid turn-based strategy game that has something for genre veterans and newcomers alike. The faster pace and more aggressive style of the game will appeal to fans of the franchise, while the tweaks to established elements, like action usage and overwatch, will also tickle the fancy of strategy fans. The brutal difficulty may be par for the genre, and while the lack of multiplayer will turn off some players, the strong campaign and post-game skirmishes will keep others interested for quite some time. Both the series and Splash Damage are relative newcomers to strategy, but they've done a good job of convincing people that they can handle the challenge.
  4. Apr 27, 2020
    Strategy fans should definitely give Gears Tactics a chance, its combat can even challenge the amazing XCOM. Some missions felt repetitive though, and the game lacked branching options to tackle and manage its content.
  5. Apr 28, 2020
    While it might be a surprising translation between genres, Gears Tactics plays like it was meant to be. The game is often quite challenging and instead of the twitch reflexes of a shooter, it demands smart and strategic thinking. It nails the look and feel of Gears and adds some welcome refinements and improvements to the now-standard turn-based formula. Lengthy and populated by familiar and violent Gears of War moments of triumph, Gears Tactics suffers a bit in the areas of story and character and repetitive mission structure. In most ways, however, Gears Tactics is a refreshing and unexpected take on the Gear of War saga.
  6. Apr 27, 2020
    Gears Tactics it's a great experiment that proves the versatility of the franchise Gears of War. Dismiss the chance of telling a great history of the Emergency Day and maybe it's a little repetitive, but it's a great first step in the turn-based strategy.
  7. Apr 27, 2020
    Gears Tactics tries some new things, but ultimately results in a game that’s less tactics oriented than the name suggests. It’s a competent experience, but completely whiffs on character with a lackluster story and every tool is a hammer class design. Add in repetitive mission structure and Gears Tactics is a far sight less replayable than the giants of the genre.

See all 99 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 88 out of 115
  2. Negative: 10 out of 115
  1. Apr 28, 2020
    Thank you for very Much, Microsoft, The Coalition, Splash Damage, Rod Fergusson, and Phil Spencer.!
    Gears Tactics, is very Cool tactical
    Thank you for very Much, Microsoft, The Coalition, Splash Damage, Rod Fergusson, and Phil Spencer.!
    Gears Tactics, is very Cool tactical Game!
    I love Halo, Gears, Forza, Ori, Fable, I love XBOX!!!
  2. Apr 29, 2020
    Best ever tactic strategy! Wonderful designed combat mechanics, interesting bosses. BLOOD & GUTS! Yeah baby! It's a tactic strategy about realBest ever tactic strategy! Wonderful designed combat mechanics, interesting bosses. BLOOD & GUTS! Yeah baby! It's a tactic strategy about real men! It's not like piece of **** **** like x-com chimera squad yhat was made for ****s by ****s! Expand
  3. Apr 29, 2020
    Flips the xcom formula enough that it feels unique and its great. I honestly didn't know what to expect with this title, but four hours flewFlips the xcom formula enough that it feels unique and its great. I honestly didn't know what to expect with this title, but four hours flew by today and I have been chuckling my way through this game!!! Highly recommended!! Expand
  4. Jun 22, 2020
    Me llevó alrededor de 30 horas completar la campaña y me sorprende lo bueno que fue, teniendo en cuenta que este es el primer juego deMe llevó alrededor de 30 horas completar la campaña y me sorprende lo bueno que fue, teniendo en cuenta que este es el primer juego de estrategia de The Coalition. Si eres fanático de la franquicia o no, o un fanático que nunca jugó un juego de estrategia como XCOM antes, es bueno y definitivamente vale la pena tu tiempo. Juego divertido e intenso, gráficos increíbles y un juego de estrategia por turnos muy bueno. Y puedo verme repitiéndolo más tarde. Expand
  5. Apr 28, 2020
    Would have been a 10 for me if not for the lack of a more meaty strategic layer but hey, its Gears, not Xcom and this is one solid Gears gameWould have been a 10 for me if not for the lack of a more meaty strategic layer but hey, its Gears, not Xcom and this is one solid Gears game that feels like a Gears game. Solid sound and visuals really immerses player into the Gears world. Somehow it feels like Space Marines to me, fast paced, high stake, badass characters and executions u nvever get sick of. Expand
  6. May 26, 2020
    An XCOM clone with Gears characters, setting, and story. There isn't much here that you haven't experienced already if you've played XCOMAn XCOM clone with Gears characters, setting, and story. There isn't much here that you haven't experienced already if you've played XCOM already, but it's still a fun game nonetheless. My review is based on the Experienced (hard) difficulty level.

    There are some balancing issues in this game which feel like oversights that could've been easily improved upon. Healing is pathetically weak in the beginning, overwatch is a pretty broken mechanic for fighting off overwhelming numbers, and several frontline classes feel underwhelming compared to others. Secondary mission objectives tend to be unforgivably difficult and give mediocre rewards, making them an unnecessary effort in most cases. The bosses are insanely difficult and ten times harder than standard missions, which is just not fun.

    The reason why I gave Gears Tactics an 8 is mainly because of how it gets repetitive as you progress deeper into the game, and how the bosses are just plain torture, particularly the final one. The first act drags on a bit and doesn't engage you all that much, but that improves from the second act onward. The variety in map objectives, intelligent AI, and team composition system are all praiseworthy. If you were to rent this game with the Xbox Game Pass, then it's probably a 9 or a 10 from sheer value. But at retail price, an 8 is all it deserves.

    For people without a decent rig: This game isn't optimized and eats up CPU for breakfast, so watch your temperatures in case they get too high. Also, if you don't have a recent GPU driver installed, this game can overheat your GPU and crash the game, so be sure to update your driver as well.
  7. Sep 14, 2020
    No support for win 8,1 to forcefully sell win10? zero for your money grabbing mentality.

See all 115 User Reviews

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