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The Universal Want by Doves Reviews and Tracks - Metacritic
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Generally favorable reviews - based on 17 Critic Reviews What's this?

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Universal acclaim- based on 8 Ratings

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  • Summary: The first full-length studio release for the British alternative rock band in over 10 years was produced with Dan Austin.
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Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 17
  2. Negative: 0 out of 17
  1. Uncut
    Sep 8, 2020
    Their fifth album comes with a cathartic feel. Densely layered - four of the 11 tracks are over five minutes - it's also as complex as a Rubik's cube, the elaborate arrangements owing more to progressive rock than contemporary pop. [Oct 2020, p.38]
  2. Mojo
    Sep 8, 2020
    Regular producer Dan Austin teases atmosphere, buries mysterious sampled speech and navigates the piano-led title track bank into Hacienda territory. What kept them? [Oct 2020, p.90]
  3. Sep 8, 2020
    With fluidity and ease aplenty, the ten songs on ‘The Universal Want’ render a soulful, elevated journey visiting outer and inner locations, providing the listener with a sense of fulfilment.
  4. Sep 10, 2020
    For the most part The Universal Want lives up to that triumphant return presaged in Carousels. Calling back to various touch points from Doves’ career to date, it’s a fitting summation even if not a culmination or a career peak.
  5. 80
    Familiarity isn’t a bad thing when it’s done well, if we refer back to the four cycles of reformation, Doves land firmly in the bands who have their fire relit by a break category, The Universal Want is Doves in essential form.
  6. Sep 11, 2020
    Doves has stayed true to their sound and as the result they have made an album that fans will want to listen to over and over.
  7. Rolling Stone
    Sep 8, 2020
    Doves amble as they surge, swirling in a middle distance between Radiohead and Coldplay. [Sep 2020, p.68]

See all 17 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 4
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 4
  3. Negative: 0 out of 4
  1. Sep 11, 2020
    Absolutely brilliant listen. Been far too long a wait but such a welcome return.
  2. Sep 11, 2020
    Omg, I waited so long for this album. This band's return from their long hiatus is nothing short of epic. Every track is buzzing with aOmg, I waited so long for this album. This band's return from their long hiatus is nothing short of epic. Every track is buzzing with a beautiful energy and cathartic spirit. Already my album of the year. Not a bad track. Expand
  3. Sep 11, 2020
    You couldn’t ask for a more relevant comeback album for these times. Each song has so much thought out detail, that ruling this one out on oneYou couldn’t ask for a more relevant comeback album for these times. Each song has so much thought out detail, that ruling this one out on one listen is a huge mistake. This is what I needed for such a scrappy 2020. Expand
  4. Sep 15, 2020
    An absolute blinder of an album! Been waiting for this, it didn't disappoint, they never do!