Jess Mahler’s Books

The Bargain

The Bargain by Jess MahlerIt was supposed to be a straightforward sacrifice. After their mother was killed by Lord Oeloff, Mattin swore to do anything to protect his sister. When the fae lord came for her, Mattin traded his life and freedom to Oeloff’s enemy for the promise of his sister’s safety. He thought he was prepared for anything. Anything except what he actually found…

It was supposed to be a political gambit. Struggling against Oeloff’s latest ploy, Jahlene found an unforeseen opening in the arrival of the bitter Mattin. Bringing the stranger into her household was a risk. Trusting him was a bigger one. To protect her family, Jahlene bargained with him. She never guessed how it would end…

Sometimes what starts as a bargain, becomes something more.

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Polyamory on Purpose Guides

The Guides are, as the saying goes, exactly what it says on the tin. Short (about 20,000 words) books with information on topics of interest to people in polyamorous relationships.

These are not polyamory 101 books–if you are looking to learn about what polyamory is or how it works, look elsewhere. Instead they take a relatively indepth look at topics not normally covered in the intro to polyamory books.

Polyamory and Pregnancy

Polyamory and PregnancyWhether you are trying to have a baby, trying not to have a baby, or having a baby, pregnancy in a polyamorous relationship raises lots of questions. But far too often, those questions ambush you with no warning and no time to prepare. I can’t promise to have the answers, but I will walk you through the questions and useful resources for coming up with your own answers.

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The Polyamorous Home

The Polyamorous Home by Jess MahlerLike everything else, monogamous folks have a cultural template for how to manage their homes. Polyamorous folks, well, we don’t. This guide explores the variety of options — and occasional pitfalls — for managing a polyamorous home.

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Safer Sex for the Non-Monogamous

Finally an actual in depth look at safer sex — what it means, how to have it, and how to talk with your partners about it. Includes consent, injury, accidental consent violations — how to avoid them and how to handle them if they happen, impact of trauma, STIs, and all about barrier  methods, and more.

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