
On Trend

The characters in end-of-days films like “Children of Men,” “The Road” and “Snowpiercer” dress quite a lot like we do now. That should really make us worry.


Lavish, folk-inspired styles with delicious details remind us of a slower life before Zoom calls. Here, a brief exploration of this rich trend on the rise.


Humble and versatile, the men’s barn jacket—a utilitarian American staple for hunters, farmers and politicians—has found new favor in the pandemic era among urbanites and suburbanites.


Once reserved for country-clubbers, the polo-collar sweater is back with fresh, Zoom-friendly fall updates. Can they help it shed its stuffy reputation? Two editors—one young, one not—debate the issue.


During lockdown, men cast stiff jeans aside, relying on looser, lazier sweats and gym shorts. This fall, denim—tweaked to be more comfortable—is worth reaching for again.


Influenced by celebrities like Bad Bunny, Harry Styles and A$AP Rocky, young guys nationwide are turning to nail polish. And companies are meeting the demand with muted “male” shades.


As we re-enter society, bags are relevant again. But germs and extreme commutes have complicated life—and teeny totes and hard-to-clean suede no longer make sense. Here, fall carryalls for our new normal.

On Trend

A fashionable pandemic pastime, gardening is also infiltrating menswear. The rubbery galoshes, sturdy work pants and functional bags appeal to green thumbs and urbanites alike.


Seasons, a rental clothing startup focused on splashy designer menswear, has drawn the attention of investors like Reddit co-founder Alexis Ohanion and the rapper Nas.


It’s time to replace those tattered WFH tees that you’ve relied on, but how can you assess the feel of cotton when shopping through a screen? Consult this expert guide—the next-best-thing to a touch test.


Men’s heels might seem a provocative choice best left to bombastic rock stars, but thanks to brands such as Celine and Saint Laurent, shoes and boots with subtle lifts are on the rise—and they’re a lot more wearable (and historically masculine) than most guys think.


In recent months sneaker stores have been staging shoe raffles that generate funds for various charities while also spotlighting other businesses in need. But there’s a limit to what these efforts can achieve.