Take part in Oxfam Trailwalker

Participants at Oxfam Intermón Trailwalker event in Euskadi, 2018. Credit: Jordi Santacana/Oxfam

Trailwalker is an extraordinary adventure that will push your limits both mentally and physically as you help people in poverty. Join it and challenge yourself.

As a team of four, you must walk up to 100 km in 48 hours or less, depending on the nature of the walk. It is not an individual race or a relay though, you must finish as a team to succeed. It is probably the toughest challenge you will take on - but the sense of achievement when you cross the finish line is immense. It is a life-changing experience. 

This is not just a physical challenge, you will be raising money to overcome poverty and injustice around the world and at the same time acting as an ambassador for Oxfam's work. 

There are many trails to choose from in many different countries. You can test your endurance on the original Gurkha trail in Hong Kong, walk along the "Via Verda" of Girona or hike through the rugged Australian bush. 

Since it began in 1981, thousands of walkers around the world have successfully taken on the challenge. If you are ready to join them, take a look at our upcoming events and support resources. 

Locate a Trailwalker

Can I do it? 

Oxfam Trailwalker will help you pursue your fitness goals and impress your friends. You do not need to be an athlete to complete the walk, just to prepare sensibly ahead. Training guides are available via individual Oxfam Trailwalker sites.  Take a look at Oxfam Trailwalker Australia video to learn more about this epic adventure.

The Oxfam trailwalkers in Australia have a chance to win their own private toilet through their fundraising efforts. Photo credit: Jason Malouin/ Oxfam AUS

The Oxfam trailwalkers in Australia have a chance to win their own private toilet through their fundraising efforts. Credit: Jason Malouin/ Oxfam 

Fundraising is fun!

Teams must raise a minimum amount to enter an Oxfam Trailwalker, but we have the resources available to help you on your way. Many walks have their own team fundraising pages. You’ll find fundraising can be great fun too! 

The money you raise will help lift people out of poverty across the globe and challenge the mechanisms that keep them in poverty. Oxfam works with local communities in more than 90 countries to alleviate poverty and demand justice

Trailwalker team show completion medals

UK Oxfam Trailwalker participants. Credit: Oxfam

We will support you all the way to the finish line 

Oxfam is part of the team - we will give you the advice and support you need to complete the walk you choose and achieve your fundraising targets. We can even help you find a walking team if you don’t have one.  

If you aren’t ready to take on the walking challenge yet, but would like to help others reach their fundraising targets, get the experience of organizing a massive event - or just sneak a peek at the trails - there are volunteering opportunities at all of our Oxfam Trailwalker events. Volunteers play an essential role as trail marshals, drivers, checkpoint coordinators and even physiotherapists.