In a new statement from Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers flip sides now saying she will uphold the Electoral College results. 

On Tuesday, McMorris Rodgers said she would object to the certification of the Electoral College result. 

She told our partners at The Spokesman-review, “my vote is not one to overturn the election, but it’s to shed light on the questions that millions of Americans have that have not yet been answered.”

In the statement Wednesday afternoon, McMorris Rodgers calls the events that have unfolded disgraceful and un-American because it puts people's lives in danger. 

Read the full statement: 

“What happened today and continues to unfold in the nation’s capital is disgraceful and un-American. Thugs assaulted Capitol Police Officers, breached and defaced our Capitol Building, put people’s lives in danger, and disregarded the values we hold dear as Americans. To anyone involved, shame on you,” said McMorris Rodgers. “We must have a peaceful transfer of power. The only reason for my objection was to give voice to the concern that governors and courts unilaterally changed election procedures without the will of the people and outside of the legislative process. I have been consistent in my belief that Americans should utilize the Constitutional tools and legal processes available to seek answers to their questions about the 2020 election. What we have seen today is unlawful and unacceptable. I have decided I will vote to uphold the Electoral College results and I encourage Donald Trump to condemn and put an end to this madness.”